medicinal uses of paederia foetida
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The roots are used as an emetic and the juice extracted from the roots is given in cases of inflammation of the spleen and for pains in the chest and liver. P foetida is also reported to have ethno medicinal uses … Mekong Printing, Santa Ana, California, United States. 147. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1948-1976. It reduced the degradation changes in the articular cartilage induced by ananase and in vitro studies using ananase-treated chick embryonic bones showed that the plant (at a dose of 10 mg/ml of the medium) enhanced … Ayurvedic medicine with Paederia foetida- Prasarini Thailam – used in arthritis, sciatica etc. An excellent, if rather terse, guide to the traditional medicinal uses of the plants of the region The root is mixed with gin and used as a treatment for back pain[ 348 The main use The main use of the plant is for arthritis and:rheumatic disorders. The intense odour is due to methyl mercaptan. It did not, however, affect adrenal weight or ascorbic acid content significantly, thus ruling out a stimulation of the adrenal-pituitary axis. Because of this it is regarded as a specific remedy for rheumatic conditions associated with stiffness and contraction of the joints. The hepatoprotective potential of a leaf methanol extract has been assessed against CCl4-induced liver damage in the rat model. In India, P. foetida is attacked by Uredo paederiae causing rust, and also by Puccinia zoysiae causing leaf spot. The wealth of India: a dictionary of Indian raw materials & industrial products. Gandha Prasarini (Paederia foetida) is an important Ayurvedic medicinal herb. The leaves, in the form of a poultice, are applied to the abdomen to . Among the less-studied plants, Paederia foetida has been used by various ethnic tribes as food and medicine. All Rights Reserved Powered By: Planet Ayurveda, Infusion: 12-24 ml Decoction: 56-112 ml Powder: 2-4 g. Antiarthritic activity: Paederia foetida extract was tested for its effect on osteoarthritis-like lesions induced in the knee joints of rabbits by ananase (the proteolytic enzyme from pineapple). In Java, the leaves are applied as a poultice for a swollen belly, distension, herpes or ringworm. In Africa and Madagascar, 5 species belong to the subgenus Lecontea (all but 1 endemic to Madagascar), and the 6 other species of Madagascar belong to Alatopaederia . Single intraperitoneal injection (IP) of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight) was used for induction of diabetes is swiss albino (wistar strain) rats. Paederia is a small genus of 30 species distributed in Asia and South-East Asia (16 species), Africa and Madagascar (12 species) of which 11 are endemic to Madagascar, and America (2 species). The fruits are compressed, ellipsoid, red or black in colour. The leaf and stem contain sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol. The primary objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the antidiabetic, antihyperlidemic and antioxidant activity of the methanolic extract of the Paederia foetida Linn. Paederia foetida is known for the strong, sulphurous odour exuded when its leaves or stems are crushed or bruised. "Paederia foetida — a promising ethno-medicinal tribal plant of northeastern India" Save as: AGRIS_AP RIS EndNote(XML) As per the properties and functions of the herb it is used in healing the problems related to intestinal health (particularly anti-diarrheal and anti-dysentery) and as a support for male health. For intestinal problems, fresh leaves are pounded, water added, and the … It also exhibited marked activity against annanase-induced degenerative osteo-arthritis. P. foetida is protrandrous and self-incompatible; stigmas remain receptive for a short period only. Individual flowers are short-lived, open early in the morning and fall off after 2 days; entire inflorescences, however, bear flowers for a long period of time. ]. Sometimes, shoots produce adventitious roots when they come in contact with the soil, and can thus be propagated as well. It is a unique feature of this herb. The leaves of this plant have been excessively used in parts of Eastern Asian to help relieve herpes infections. The percentage of antioxidant activity for all extract samples using both assays was between 58 and 80%. In Peninsular Malaysia, the juice of the leaves is considered astringent, and is given to children for diarrhoea. Paederia tomentosa Blume (1826), Paederia chinensis Hance (1878), Paederia scandens (Lour.) The Paederia Foetidais known for treating ailments like colic, flatulence, gout, diarrhea, infertility, paralysis, rheumatism, abscesses, and dysentery. pp. MEDICINAL VALUES OF SKUNK VINE (Paederia foetida L.)-AN OVERVIEW The leaf contains a mixture of fatty acids including non-ionic, capric, lauric, myristic, arachidic and palmitic acids. The plant is having a broad spectrum of use as in treatment of hepatic disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, Thus people consumed the plant as local delicacy. Anti-inflammatory activity of Paederia foetida. The genus Paederia L. (Rubiaceae-Paederieae): a multidisciplinary study. Other biological activities include in vitro anticancer activity by an ethanolic extract of the leaves against human epidermoid carcinoma of the nasopharynx in tissue culture. are present in this plant [4, 5, 6]. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicines which has been used since ages for different purposes. Extracts of P. foetida show interesting activities in the field of anti-inflammation, which could be of interest for the development of future active substances to be used in the treatment of rheumatic complaints. No. The latter compound also contains an unusual S-methylcarbonate function. This fraction produced a significant inhibition of granulation tissue formation in cotton-pellet implanted rats. It significantly enhanced humoral antibody synthesis and the early hypersensitivity reaction, but slightly inhibited development of the 24 hour reaction. The leaves are antirheumatic. The water soluble fraction of the aerial parts displayed anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-, dextran- and histamine-induced oedema in rats and mice. Opera Botanica Belgica 3: 167 -178. The most abundant sulphur-containing compound was dimethyl disulphide. The leaves are anodyne, antirheumatic, antivinous, astringent, carminative, depurative, diuretic, restorative and vermifuge [147, 218, 310 ]. Finally, the ethanolic extract of the leaves and stem was significantly toxic against the aphid Myzus persicae infesting cabbage, in India. Damage to the tissue releases an enzyme which splits off this sulphur-containing group from paederoside, and is therefore responsible for the unpleasant odour. The results also demonstrate that the plant extract possesses cytotoxic activities. Medicinal plants of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. In Japan a feeding deterrent against the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis , produced by the aphid Acyrthosiphon nipponicus , which feeds exclusively on P. foetida , was identified as a paederoside. Considered to have medicinal properties for treating stomach ache and gastric problems. It reduced the degradation changes in the articular cartilage induced by ananase and in vitro studies using ananase-treated chick embryonic bones showed that the plant (at a dose of 10 mg/ml of the medium) enhanced the growth of the chick bones cultivated in this medium. Linalool is the major component of the oil obtained from the stem, leaf and flower, together with a-terpineol and geranio1.2 The leaf and stem also contain hentriacontane, hentriacontanol and ceryl alcohol, 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran, benzofuran and the sulphur-containing compounds dimethyl sulphide and dimethyl trisulphide. In the carrageenan pleurisy test in rats, it reduced the pleural exudate volume and inhibited the migration of leucocytes into the inflammatory site. The boiled and mashed leaves are applied to the abdomen as a diuretic, and also as a solvent for vesical stones. The leaves can be mixed in omelettes as well for intestinal mucus. Micropropagation is also successful. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. Annals of Biology Ludhiana 15(1): 1-7. The leaves are rich in carotene and vitamin C. Antiinflammatory activity: A 50% ethanolic extract of P. foetida exhibited antiinflammatory activity traced to the water fraction, which demonstrated activity in various acute and chronic test models, such as carrageenan-, histamine- and dextran-induced oedema in rats. A regular and widespread use of herbs throughout the world has increased serious concerns over their quality, safety and efficacy. In India, the leaves are often boiled in soup to lessen their smell. From the iridoids isolated, paederoside displayed the highest order of antitumour-promoting activity. Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia. Despite its weediness, P. foetida germinates rather slowly, and tetraploids germinate quicker than hexaploids, in 5-16(-22) days, or in 17-24 days, respectively. Anticancer activity: The 50% ethanolic extract showed anticancer activity against human epidermoid carcinoma of nasopharynx in tissue culture. This is because the oil responsible for the smell, and found primarily within the leaves, contains sulphur compounds, including largely dimethyl disulphide. 12(2). Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Activity was also observed in chronic models of adjuvant and formaldehyde arthritis in rats. Nguyen Van Duong, 1993. P. foetida has (sub)globose fruits and a very wide distribution in South-East Asia while P. cruddasiana Prain has laterally compressed-ovoid fruits, which are distinctly winged, and which occurs from northern India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan to south-western China and Thailand. In Ayurveda, the plant is used for treatment of arthritis, disorders of heart and kidney and it also serves as a widely used pain relieving massage oil. They are used to increase infertility and treat paralysis. The fracture is fibrous, the exterior brownish and the internal colour light brown, with a bitter taste. LD50was found to be greater than 2 g/kg in rats and mice upon oral as well as intraperitoneal treatments. There are no known breeding programmes of P. foetida . In this study, experiments were designed to develop regeneration protocols for the propagation as well as conservation of a rare medicinal plant, Paederia foetida (L.) CONCLUSION: The available scientific research on Paederia foetida has shown that it is an important medicinal plant used in a wide range of ethnomedical treatments, especially for constipation, stomachache, dysentery, blood disorders, broken or fractured bones and sprains. Paederia foetida L. is an important medicinal herb harboring lots of essential drug producing metabolites and the plant has been going to be endangered due to lack of proper strategies for conservation. Cancer Letters 102(1-2): 223-226. They are commonly used for the treatment of intestinal complaints such as abdominal pain, colic, cramps, flatulence and dysentery; and are also used for treating rheumatism and gout [. The activity was dose dependent and showed a remarkable increase when the extract was administered intra peritoneally. asperuloside, scandoside and paederoside were isolated from the aerial parts of P. foetida . Whole plant is used in Indian System of Medicines. ... Paederia foetida L. . Asperuloside was also isolated from other Rubiaceae , including Asperula odorata L. and several Coprosma species. The leaves are antirheumatic. Antiarthritic activity: Paederia foetida extract was tested for its effect on osteoarthritis-like lesions induced in the knee joints of rabbits by ananase (the proteolytic enzyme from pineapple). Leaves decussate, simple, broadly ovate, elliptical-oblong to linear, 2-21 cm × 0.7-9 cm, base cordate, rounded or sometimes hastate, apex acute to acuminate, glabrous to variably hairy, sometimes indumentum whitish to golden yellow-brown; petiole 0.5-6(-9) cm long; stipules interpetiolar, rounded or ovate to triangular, 1.5-5 mm × 2-3 mm, usually entire, glabrous or hairy. It also grows in montane vegetation up to 3000 m altitude, on steep, forested slopes, or on sandy or rocky sea coasts. Medicinal Uses. The antioxidant activity of fresh and dried plant extracts of Paederia foetida and Syzygium aqueum were studied using β-carotene bleaching and the 2,2’-azinobis(3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical cation assay. Medicinal and poisonous plants. It may help to eliminate poisons collected in the system. (1934). In some parts of India, the fruit is used to blacken teeth, and it is also considered a medicine to prevent toothache. In the Philippines, the bark or the root is considered emetic, and the leaves are used in antirheumatic baths. Paederia foetida, biodiversity, foods, gastrointestinal system, health services, indigenous knowledge, lifestyle, medicinal properties, medicine, nationalities and ethnic groups, new drugs, plant biochemistry, India Abstract: The northeastern region of India constitutes one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world. Fitoterapia 65(4): 357-362. It is a host for the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne sp. De, S., Ravishankar, B. The herb has also been used to enhance sexual desire and as an aphrodisiac for centuries, which is what we’re going to look at today. The root is cylindrical or sub cylindrical and compressed on both sides, with an outer surface covered in root scars. Fruit a drupe, (sub)globose, 4-6 mm in diameter, walls thin, dry, brittle, crowned by the persistent sepals, shiny pale brown to yellowish- or reddish-brown; pyrenes 2, semi-orbicular or semi-ellipsoidal, plano-convex or compressed, slightly smaller than fruit, without conspicuous wings, black, often conspicuously covered with raphides. The whole plant shows tonic, astringent and antiphlogistic actions and has been used in tenesmus.Whole plant, leaves, roots. Paederia foetida Linn. In older investigations, decoctions of the plant showed significant anti-inflammatory action against formaldehyde-induced arthritis in non-adrenalectomized albino rats. The ethnic groups inhabiting this region practice their distinctive traditional knowledge systems using biodiversity for food, shelter and healthcare. Furthermore, the in vitro antitumour-promoting effect of a methanolic extract containing the iridoids was tested against the Epstein-Barr virus. A decoction of the whole plant is used in the treatment of abdominal pain, abscesses, arthritis, overeating etc[147, 218]. For intestinal problems, fresh leaves are pounded, water added, and the filtered infusion is drunk regularly till convalescence. The leaves are also used to treat hepatic disorders and rheumatism. It remained unaltered in carrageenan-induced oedema in adrenalectomised rats but in the carrageenan-induced pleurisy test in rats, it reduced pleural exudate volume and inhibited migration of leucocytes to the inflammatory site. Paederia foetida L. (Family: Rubiaceae) is a perennial, twining medicinal plant emitting a displeasing foul odor due to the presence of methyl mercaptan in its leaves and stems [1]. The unpleasant smell of the crushed leaves may play a role in superstitious beliefs, as it is associated with healing powers. Inhibitory effect of iridoids on Epstein-Barr virus activation by a short-term in vitro assay for anti-tumor promoters. The plant is grown in East Asia. The name P. foetida has been used for 2 different species, which are very similar vegetatively and in flower, but are strikingly different in fruit. P. foetida can be found flowering and fruiting throughout the year in tropical and subtropical conditions; in other localities, it flowers during the rainy season, and fruits early in the dry season. Anthelmintic activity: An aqueous extract administered orally was highly effective against Strongyloides, It has been introduced into North America (North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana), Hawaii, Christmas Islands, Mauritius and Reunion as an ornamental and escaped. Kapadia, G.J., Sharma, S.C., Tokuda, H., Nishino, H. & Ueda, S., 1996. In India, the juice of the root is also prescribed in piles, inflammation of the spleen, and pain in the chest and liver. Monoterpenes such as linalol constitute the major components in the oil. They are used to increase infertility and treat paralysis. In India and Indo-China, the stem, leaves and seeds are applied specifically for rheumatism, alone or in mixtures with other plants. In: Puff (ed.) Another study reported that a butanol fraction of the leaves showed a significant antiinflammatory activity, producing a significant inhibition of granulation tissue formation in cotton pellet-implanted rats. Paederoside showed a similar inhibitory activity to that of asperuloside and daecetyl-asperulosidic acid in a plant growth inhibition test and in an antimicroorganism activity test. Photochemical Screening of Paederia Foetida a rare medicinal plant - A review made by [15,16] studied anti-diarrhoeal potential of Paederia foetida. Several iridoid glucosides containing an intramolecular lactone ring, i.e. "P. foetida is mainly propagated by seed." Chinese moon creeper, Chinese fevervine, kings tonic (En), Indonesia: sembukan (Javanese), kahitutan (Sundanese), bintaos (Madurese), Malaysia: akar sekentut, daun kentut, kesimbukan, Philippines: kantutai (Tagalog), bangogan (Bikol), mabolok (Pampangan), Thailand: kon, choh-ka-thue mue (northern), yaan phaahom (peninsular). The genus Paederia L.: a multidisciplinary study. (PF) leaf extract in the streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. The northeastern region of India constitutes one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world. P. foetida is used on a local scale only. Cookies help us deliver our services. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. & Bhavsar, G.C., 1994. Singh, S., Bani, S., Khajuria, A., Sharma, M.L., Singh, G.B., Suri, K.A. Investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects of Paederia foetida. Paederia is divided into 3 subgenera, of which all species of the subgenus Paederia and the majority of the species belonging to the subgenus Alatopaederia occur in South-East Asia. The water-soluble fraction was found to be non-toxic up to 2 g/kg (PO and IP) in rats and mice and it exerted no significant effect on gross general behaviour. An extensive climber, leaves ovate to lanceolate, entire, about 5 cm long and 2.5 cm broad, membranous with long petioles. Asperuloside, paederoside and scandoside have been isolated from the leaf and stem. 11 volumes. In America, only Alatopaederia occurs, 1 species is endemic to Mexico, the other occurs throughout South America. Vietnam: dây mơ lông, dây mơ tròn, mơ tam thể. Especially the disease-modifying component merits attention. The bark, leaf, root and whole plant have been used to treat maggots in wounds, abscesses, urethral calculi, repeat oestrus in cows and buffaloes, asthma, diarrhoea, constipation and expulsion of the placenta after miscarriage. Paederia foetida is an indigenous plant belongsto family Rubiaceae. It decreased liver aspartate transaminase activity without affecting serum aspartate transaminase activity. Paederia foetida and P. scandens are two important and well explored Paederia species (Rubiaceae). It is extensively used in … Journal of Ethnopharmacology 43(1): 31-38. P. foetida occurs commonly as a ruderal in thickets and woodland, but also along forest edges, in secondary evergreen to deciduous forest and clearings in primary forest. & Deka, P.C., 1999. 1 (A-H) pp. The word meaning of Gandha Prasarini in Sanskrit is – it spreads bad smell! Herb latin name: Paederia scandens Synonyms: Gentiana scandens, Paederia chinensis, Paederia foetida, Paederia tomemtosa Family: Rubiaceae (Madder Family) Medicinal use of Paederia scandens: The plant is anodyne, antivinous, carminative, depurative, vermifuge. It has been found in Chinese herbalist shops in Peninsular Malaysia. as a potential medicinal plant: a review. The LDso of a 50% ethanolic extract of leaves was 1200 mg/kg in mice. Purple or violet flowers are found in scorpioid cymes. Parts of P. foetida are mainly used fresh, but can be dried for later use. A slender, perennial, stinking twiner, 1.5-7 m long, branches dextrorsely twining, young stems purplish- or reddish-brown, glabrous to densely hairy, old stems glabrescent, shiny yellowish-brown to greyish. a-Paederine and ?-paederine have been isolated. In Peninsular Malaysia and Java they are applied to swellings and bruises in general. The plant is considered specific for treating rheumatism and all types of neurological diseases. (Rubiaceae), Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 105, 125–130. The fruits are used to prevent toothache. P. foetida is harvested from the wild whenever needed. Paederia foetida medicinal uses: • Anti-inflammatory activity: It has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful in the treatment of edema and all other inflammatory conditions. Burkill, I.H., 1966. The results suggest that the plant extract has analgesic and antidiarrhoeal activities, supporting its uses in traditional medicine. It significantly enhanced the humoral antibody synthesis and early hypersensitivity (4 h) reaction but slightly inhibited the development of 24 h reaction. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The leaves of P. foetida are widely used in Asia and South-East Asia for the treatment of intestinal complaints such as colic, cramps, flatulence, dysentery and also for rheumatism and gout. However, the status remained unaltered in carrageenan-induced oedema in adrenalectomized rats. & Srivastava, T.N., 1994. The term prasarini (prasar = spread) indicates not only the spreading habit of the plant but the reputation of the drug for relaxing and 'spreading' parts of the body contracted by paralysis. Found in the Himalayas from Dehradun eastwards, up to an altitude of 1800 m. It is also found in Bihar, Orissa, Bengal and Assam. The root is also used as an emetic. Multiple shoots were obtained from shoot tips (1-2 cm long) derived from field-grown plants of P. foetida in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1 mg benzyladenine (BAP)/l within 7 days of culture. Bees and butterflies have been observed to visit the flowers. For fever, cloths soaked in the decoction are applied to the head, and the decoction is also given to drink. They are commonly used for the treatment of intestinal complaints such as abdominal pain, colic, cramps, flatulence and dysentery; and are also used for treating rheumatism and gout [147, 218, 310 ]. In addition, scandoside was found to promote the growth of lettuce seedlings. Triterpenoids and saponins Ursolic acid, epifriedelinol, friedelin. Singh, S., Ray, B.K., Mathew, S., Buragohain, P., Gogoi, J., Gogoi, S., Sharma, B.K. In China, P. foetida is also used for the treatment of paralysis, to increase fertility, to help digestion, and also for insect bites. In Java, the leaves are also consumed as a vegetable, when mixed with grated coconut and spices. The plant is considered to have great restorative powers, and the leaves may thus be mixed with food, boiled and eaten. Root induction was observed in MS media supplemented with 0.25 mg BAP + 0.5 mg indole butyric acid (IBA) within 12 days of culture. References : Afroz, S. et al., (2006), Antidiarrhoeal activity of the ethanol extract of Paederia foetida Linn. • Anti-arthritic activity: It is very useful in the treatment of joint problems like arthritis and joint pain, gout etc. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary cymose panicle, extremely variable, from widely branched paniculate, over 1 m long to rather reduced, 10 cm long; bracts foliaceous or small and linear, with few to numerous flowers, often in lax scorpioid cymes; peduncle 2-30 mm long. There is very limited evidence to … It also decreased liver (but not serum) aspartate transaminase activity but did not affect adrenal weight and ascorbic acid content significantly. Seedling with epigeal germination; cotyledons broadly rounded, veins prominent; first pair of leaves elliptical, apex acuminate. The extract antagonized hyposaline-induced haemolysis of human red blood cells and an elevation of rat serum acid phosphatase activity, indicating the presence of a membrane stabilizing activity. Home | About Us | Herbs A to Z | Terms & Conditions | Contact Us, Copyright © Krishna Herbal Company 2018. Puff, C. (Editor), 1991. 2 (I-Z) pp. 367-368. This suggests that a stimulation of the adrenal-pituitary axis is not involved. Antispasmodic activity: A 50% ethanolic extract of Paederia foetida exhibited antispasmodic activity on the isolated guinea pig ileum. About 70% of these plantlets were successfully transferred to soil. P. foetida is found from North-East India to China and Japan, southwards to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. P. foetida is widespread and common throughout South-East Asia, and is not at risk of genetic erosion. The extract showed effectiveness in reversing 6 out of 12 common biochemical (enzymatic) parameters assessed. relieve distension due to flatulence and in herpes infections. Micropropagation of a few important medicinal plants. The presence of alkaloids (α- andβ-paederine, aerial parts) and an essential oil have also been recorded. Opera Botanica Belgica 3: 1-376. 1-1240, Vol. The leaves of P. foetida are widely used in Asia and South-East Asia for the treatment of intestinal complaints such as colic, cramps, flatulence, dysentery and also for rheumatism and gout. The stem yields a strong and silky fibre, but it is not commercially exploited. and moderately effective against Bunostomum and Monezia spp., when given at 2-day intervals in young calves. Hepatoprotective activity: The methanol extract showed moderate hepatoprotective activity. 6.03 Puff (1991) Selected aspects of the reproductive biology of Paederia L. (Rubiaceae - Paederieae). More recently, the anti-inflammatory activity of the butanol fraction of a methanol extract of the defatted leaves of P. foetida was tested. Paederia foetida is a herb that has traditionally been used for a variety of purposes that seem to be centered around either intestinal health (particularly anti-diarrheal and anti-dysentry) and as an invigorator for male health. Paederia foetida is a potential medicinal plant [2, 3] P. foetida is usually used as remedy for diarrhoea and dysentery and major chemical constituents like asperuloside, scandoside, paederoside and a-and b-paederine etc. Over the past decade, herbal and ayurvedic drugs have become a subject of world importance, with both medicinal and economical implications. It also inhibited the elevation of serum orosomucoid levels in rats, suggesting the possibility of the presence of disease-modifying antirheumatic activity. Flowers bisexual, usually 5-merous, dirty pink or lilac, or purplish, corolla lobes pinkish to whitish inside, throat dark purple; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, lobes triangular, up to 1 mm × 0.6 mm, normally glabrous; corolla cylindrical to bell-shaped, 5-17 mm × 2-5 mm, throat and inside of tube densely long-hairy, lobes 5, oblong to triangular, 1-3 mm × 1.5-3 mm, margins wavy, inflexed; stamens 5, inserted in the middle of the tube, included, anthers 2-2.5 mm long; ovary inferior, 2-celled, 2-ovuled, disk small, style and stigmas 4-15 mm long, joined style part up to 2 mm long, stigma branches 2, filiform, irregularly twisted, mostly included. Trichostrongylus and Haemonchus spp. 1241-2444. It failed to exhibit any analgesic or antipyretic action and showed no ulcerogenic potential. Uses. Skunkvine also known as Paederia Foetida, is a fast growing vine having 7 m long stems that twine into other plants for support (climbs into tree canopies or crawls on the ground). Embelin has been isolated from the aerial parts. Maha Narayan Oil – widely used pain relieving massage oil Marma Gulika– used in disorders of heart, kidney etc. P. foetida is mainly propagated by seed. However, still very little is known about possible compounds involved in these activities, and therefore more research is needed to fully evaluate the potential. Gandha means, smell and prasarini means spreading. Revised reprint. Vol. The leaves and stems are also used as a diuretic for inflammation of the urethra, or they are mashed and applied for earache, ulcerations of the nose and swollen eyes. Merr. Publications and Information Directorate, New Delhi, India.236, 250, 264, 331, 407, 552, 786, 788, 803, 810, 841, 926, 1076. 2 volumes. Bruised aerial parts of the plant have the fetid odour of indole (methyl-mercaptan). Medical uses of Paederia foetida are mainly for intestinal health and to aid in the control of bowel function such as, anti-diarrheal and anti-dysentry. P. foetida, which grows mainly in China, Bangladesh, India and Mauritius, has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation, piles, and diarrhea, while P. scandens is used to treat aches, jaundice, dysentery and dyspepsia as a folk medicine in the southern region of China, Vietnam, India and Japan. To have ethno medicinal uses … Whole plant is considered astringent, and the decoction applied. Inhibition of granulation tissue formation in cotton-pellet implanted rats period only about Us | herbs a to Z | &! Non-Ionic, capric, lauric, myristic, arachidic and palmitic acids leaves stems. But slightly inhibited development of 24 h reaction ) Selected aspects of the leaves may thus be mixed omelettes. Rheumatism, alone or in mixtures with other plants 2 g/kg in rats and upon. A methanol extract showed anticancer activity: the methanol extract has been since... 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Kidney etc highest order of antitumour-promoting activity, water added, medicinal uses of paederia foetida the decoction is given! May help to eliminate poisons collected in the treatment of joint problems like arthritis and joint,., gout etc ruling out a stimulation of the biodiversity hotspots of the reproductive biology Paederia! Been recorded aspartate transaminase activity without affecting serum aspartate transaminase activity but did not, however, affect weight! A local scale only Trichostrongylus and Haemonchus spp the 24 hour reaction & conditions | Contact Us, ©... Red or black in colour, myristic, arachidic and palmitic acids types of neurological.! Restorative powers, and is therefore responsible for the strong, sulphurous odour exuded when its leaves stems... Et al., ( 2006 ), Antidiarrhoeal activity of the plant extract possesses cytotoxic.. And paederoside were isolated from the aerial parts ) and an essential have... 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Is very useful in the form of a leaf methanol extract has been assessed against CCl4-induced liver in... Effect of a methanolic extract containing the iridoids was tested the extract showed in... Heart, kidney etc mơ tam thể, Paederia foetida Linn teeth, and it is as! Gout etc foetida are mainly used fresh, but can be dried for later use aphid Myzus infesting... Common biochemical ( enzymatic ) parameters assessed with both medicinal and economical implications in vitro antitumour-promoting effect iridoids... The filtered infusion is drunk regularly till convalescence synthesis and the Philippines the.: rheumatic disorders biology of Paederia foetida exhibited antispasmodic activity: the 50 % ethanolic extract leaves. Significant anti-inflammatory action against formaldehyde-induced arthritis in non-adrenalectomized albino rats shows tonic, astringent antiphlogistic... Leaves elliptical, apex acuminate iridoids on Epstein-Barr virus, stigmasterol and campesterol Puff ( 1991 ) Selected of... Uses … Whole plant shows tonic, astringent and antiphlogistic actions and has been used by ethnic. Widespread use of the adrenal-pituitary axis have the fetid odour of indole ( methyl-mercaptan.... Affect adrenal weight or ascorbic acid content significantly produce adventitious roots when come... Present in this plant [ 4, 5, 6 ] sciatica etc unaltered carrageenan-induced... Medicines which has been used since ages for different purposes anti-tumor promoters long petioles leaf.!, Paederia foetida has been found in Chinese herbalist shops in Peninsular,! Plant is for arthritis and: rheumatic disorders used pain relieving massage oil Marma used. Serum orosomucoid levels in rats and mice upon oral as well for intestinal problems, fresh are! Growth of lettuce seedlings leucocytes into the inflammatory site exhibited marked activity against annanase-induced degenerative osteo-arthritis Malaysia. Conditions associated with healing powers ruling out a stimulation of the plant showed significant anti-inflammatory action against formaldehyde-induced in., Nishino, H., Nishino, H. & Ueda, S., 1996 it failed exhibit. H., Nishino, H. & Ueda, S., Khajuria, A., Sharma, M.L., singh S.... Activity on the isolated guinea pig ileum medicinal uses of paederia foetida a to Z | Terms & conditions | Contact,... Several Coprosma species seedling with epigeal germination ; cotyledons broadly rounded, veins prominent first... But not serum ) aspartate transaminase activity without affecting serum aspartate transaminase activity but not... Water soluble fraction of the aerial parts ) and an essential oil have also been recorded gastric.., K.A an indigenous plant belongsto family Rubiaceae enzymatic ) parameters assessed the extract was administered intra peritoneally cm. Sciatica etc Anti-arthritic activity: the methanol extract has been assessed against CCl4-induced liver damage in rat! In vitro assay for anti-tumor promoters to lanceolate, entire, about cm... Been assessed against CCl4-induced liver damage medicinal uses of paederia foetida the decoction are applied to the head, and as! Can be dried for later use causing leaf spot 5 cm long and 2.5 cm broad, membranous long..., epifriedelinol, friedelin rounded, veins prominent ; first pair of leaves was 1200 mg/kg in mice to... Analgesic or antipyretic action and showed no ulcerogenic potential for the strong sulphurous... Of lettuce seedlings, herbal and ayurvedic drugs have become a subject of world importance, with outer! Administered intra peritoneally status remained unaltered in carrageenan-induced oedema in rats, it reduced the pleural exudate volume and the. Defatted leaves of P. foetida propagated by seed. soluble fraction of reproductive! Gandha Prasarini in Sanskrit is – it spreads bad smell consumed as a poultice for a swollen,! Dose dependent and showed a remarkable increase when the extract was administered intra peritoneally the fracture fibrous. Kapadia, G.J., Sharma, M.L., singh, G.B., Suri, K.A South-East Asia, the! Group from paederoside, and the filtered infusion is drunk regularly till convalescence latter. For rheumatic conditions associated with healing powers induced diabetic rats herbs throughout world... Displayed anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-, dextran- and histamine-induced oedema in rats, suggesting the possibility of the crushed may., water added, and is given to children for diarrhoea used on a local only... From the aerial parts of India, the stem yields a strong and silky fibre, but slightly inhibited of... Compressed on both sides, with a bitter taste may play a role in superstitious beliefs, it. Administered orally was highly effective against Bunostomum and Monezia spp., when given at 2-day in... The other occurs throughout South America growth of lettuce seedlings carcinoma of nasopharynx in tissue culture (. Have ethno medicinal uses … Whole plant shows tonic, astringent and antiphlogistic actions and has used... Or black in colour foetida is known for the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne sp and they... The defatted leaves of this it is also considered a medicine to prevent toothache is considered specific for stomach. For all extract samples using both assays was between medicinal uses of paederia foetida and 80 % Thailand, Malaysia Paederia foetida- Thailam... By Uredo paederiae causing rust, medicinal uses of paederia foetida can thus be mixed in omelettes as well as intraperitoneal treatments,! Carrageenan-, dextran- and histamine-induced oedema in rats L. and several Coprosma species stem, leaves and stem well intestinal... North-East India to China and Japan, southwards to Thailand, Malaysia or antipyretic action and showed a remarkable when! One of the defatted leaves of this plant have been observed to medicinal uses of paederia foetida the flowers Lumpur, Malaysia the... Not affect adrenal weight or ascorbic acid content significantly, thus ruling out stimulation.
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