Health & Safety

Health & Safety
January 2011

It is the belief of Andcol Ltd that zero incidents, zero injuries is achievable. This conviction underlines the Company approach to Health & Safety in the workplace.

As a contractor, the Company has an obligation to meet the requirements of current legislation on safety and health as a minimum standard of performance. Where Andcol Ltd undertakes the role of Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) or Principal Contractor it has additional responsibilities for the management of safety on site. The Company recognises that work accidents and work related health problems cause suffering to the persons affected and possible financial loss to them and the Company. The Company and its employees have a common interest in minimising the possibility of accidents and ill effects on health.

Where Andcol Ltd undertakes the role of Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) it has additional responsibilities for the management of safety during the Design Stage of a project.
The Company aims to continually improve its safety and health performance by taking a pro-active approach to the management of safety and health as an integral part of managing a successful business.

Quality Policy
January 2011

The Company Objective is to continue to retain and improve their enviable long standing reputation, observe regulatory requirements, continuously review, measure and assess company performance and maintain customer focus to ensure Design Team / Client satisfaction.

Andcol formed a long standing Quality Committee, whose responsibility is to review, improve and measure the Quality Management System on an ongoing basis.
The measurables in these objectives are outlined in the relevant procedures. The established targets and the attainment of those targets are established by the Committee Management Review Meetings.

It is the Company’s policy to make sure all employees are aware of the Company Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Policies by regular induction and training. The Quality Manager is required to maintain the control and issue of this document and report to the Managing Director on the implementation of it’s requirements, recommendations and effectiveness.

Dumitru Olariu
January 2011

The Company does this by:

  • Ensuring that the applicable legal requirements are identified and adopted as our minimum acceptable performance standards.
  • Setting safety and health objectives and periodically reviewing performance against them.
    Defining the responsibilities and authorities for managers with particular responsibility for its safety and health performance.
  • Ensuring that at all levels, training and appropriate information on safety and health is provided so that people are competent and safety conscious.
  • Involving and consulting our employees Safety Representatives to identify their safety and health concerns and to gain their commitment to our policy.
  • Planning for safe working and monitoring against the plans.
    Operating a safety management system and providing the necessary resources to implement the policy
  • Establishing and implementing safety measurement procedures

Andcol carries out periodic audits and reviews of its safety and health system and performance. Where the need for improvements to its policy, procedures or performance is identified, appropriate action is taken.

Employees must recognise that they have responsibilities for their own safety and health and that their activities can impact on the safety and health of others. Accordingly, we require our employees to comply with the company’s safety policy and procedures to provide a safe working environment.

Dumitru Olariu
January 2011

The Andcol Mission

Delivering exceptional personal service, quality and value. It is always the result of clear vision, determination, enormous effort and skillful execution that ensures the completed project.