the hemp alternative

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the hemp alternative

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Matt Baum:So now you’ve baked it. We’re stuck with the plan of continuing to build out and automate the facility while we let the whole market… What we can’t control will work its way out. Greg Wilson:This area doesn’t get huge yields for crops. So it doesn’t catch on fire as easy. But it’s a lot more profitable to do it the wrong way. But then you’re not telling the truth when you’re saying, “Hey, eco-friendly building material. So let’s get back to the wood though. Greg Wilson:You’re not allowed to burn it in the open. Oh, wow. So we have a uniform amount, which is the algorithm to… You’ve got 14 steps. A uniquely qualified team of subject matter experts that have joined together to support cannabis plant research. So it’s algorithm that has to hit these numbers in order to make a uniform piece of material at the end that outperforms our target being Brazilian cherry, which is the high end benchmark of global wood. Matt Baum:You can say. By the way, if you use the code ‘MINISTRY’ at checkout right now, you’ll get 20% off your first purchase just for listening to the show. Greg Wilson:Correct. And we actually circulate it. Matt Baum:Okay. Whether you are allergic to soya or avoiding it for health reasons, Veurre® is a soy free vegan butter alternative ideal to add to your food shopping list. There’s something wrong with us that take advantage of it in the wrong way. Greg Wilson:But on a federal level, crickets. It’s a woody plant, but it’s got to be completely different. Maybe not from where they hide in it, but your nut trees and your… Like your walnuts and your acorns and different things like that, that take a lot longer to grow than your traditional trees that come up first or your poplars and your pines.And your poplars and pines, 20 years, that’s a mature tree, maybe 40 years. And so you it’s what we call ditch filler. That guy, Charles, we met earlier, he is the machinist here. Is this where we’re going? Floors Hemp fibres could prove a resilient alternative to materials currently used for textiles, such as carpets. Hemp Wood Alternatives: Sustainable Building Materials With HempWood, CBD Honey Review: Delicious Relief With Populum…, Canopy Growth Sues GW Pharma Over CO2 Extraction Patent, Hemp Plastic Packaging: The Promise Of Hemp Plastic…, Canadian Hemp & Cutting Edge CBD Research, With…, Best CBD For Sleep: Better Sleep Through CBD &…. And that’s fine.” And the people that are doing those same types of things, more often than not, look at us, not as a disrupter that’s going to put them out of business, as, “Hey, maybe I can sell your wood too.” And so, I don’t know, instead of being a dick, it’s oftentimes better to just kind of be nice and work with people. Learn more about our partnership with the Stroud Water Research Center and our participation in research on the cultivation, environmental impact, and manufacturing of industrial hemp. That’s the rule, you always end in the gift shop. Matt Baum:That’s a good answer too. Nobody has tools to just buy [crosstalk 00:51:31]. So on a hum bug one off day I wandered into The Hemp Alternative. So you can be like, “Me, I did.”. Every place is a little different. So it’s less than 15% moisture content. Matt Baum:Right. Greg Wilson:Exactly. Sunday before I made a cabinet for my wife, and we put it up in the bathroom. So-. Greg Wilson:Dario came up with the concept of unrolling a bale of hemp because it has to get picked up. Again, head to, check out their whole line of CBD oils, including their latest number six, which combines the benefit of CBD with a concentrated amount of CBN that’s going to help you get to sleep. Greg Wilson:You’re never going to replace because Oak, because Oak is a good thing. So you couldn’t move it around. I wouldn’t assume so because it’s so dense. Matt Baum:That’s amazing. Greg Wilson:So then after that I started getting pimped out with the algorithm to recycling woods. So you circulate dehumidified warm air, and then it causes it to dry out in about two weeks. Matt Baum:Okay. Greg Wilson:We’ve had to do a whole lot to do that. Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for industrial use. The hemp comes in, then what happen? So it hits the highest temperature requirement first and then drops. We’re opening these molds and you’ve got to take it with a crane, lift it upside down and pry it open. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring constituent of the industrial hemp plant. You’re in Kentucky, so you’re in hemp country right there. Maybe they’re not living in the urban area or maybe they work into it, and so they’re around… What I say is, someone who walks to work choking on tailpipe fumes usually cares a little bit more about the environment than somebody like myself. And don’t forget to use the code MINISTRY at checkout to get 20% off and let them know you listen to Ministry of Hemp calm to get your information, and you want to support businesses that support us. So tell me about the process. So it’s literally just space? Greg Wilson:This will be a single digit percentage replacement for wood. That’s what everybody talks about. 1 review of The hemp alternative "So in all fairness I am not familiar with CBD. Greg Wilson:And then we have a saw, we just got our new saw in. We took a bunch of tobacco barns. But I set up a nanotech lab there that would take technologies we’ve developed in the laboratory, and then try to commercialize them in China where I was at. Our specialized team offers extensive insight and combines 4th generation farming, specialty crop subject matter expertise, and legalized cannabis business industry experience. I figured it out in 2010, we used to call it weed wood. This is Matt Baum with the Ministry of Hemp, signing off. Whereas if it’s old growth, then it becomes a mature forest and it’s got a whole different ecosystem that’s going on underneath of it, because you get that huge canopy that goes up. Matt Baum:You’re like the A-team, you all have specialties. Greg Wilson:Exactly. Greg Wilson:Shoot, half of the employees here come from there-. It actually has more Eucalyptus grandis trees in China than people really. Tell me how it sands. Greg Wilson:If you go to 100 miles with the square bales, you’re good because it’s still pencils out to the same. Plantation, when someone was responsible enough, first time they cut it down, they planted something else there, and then you can get it in the cycle. Greg Wilson:And we just started traveling again. Soft and comfortable to wear. And you can find that article on, along with a new review of Healist Naturals body relief lotions, really nice for everyday aches and pains. Matt Baum:When it comes to making wood, how many acres of forest are we cutting down to… I don’t even know the terms to use here, to make X amount of wood versus acres of hemp to make X amount of wood? When in China-. It was also one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 50,000 years ago. And so they couldn’t get it to match or sync up. Matt Baum:So, how do you apply this algorithm going from things like bamboo, to Eucalyptus, to scrap wood? Greg Wilson:Oh, no, it’s still got a week’s worth. But first, let me introduce you to Gregory Wilson. Greg Wilson:And so we’ve had all four of our trade shows canceled. Hemp Wood Alternatives: Complete episode transcript. So you got to, once you cut it, let it set for two or three days on one side, turn it over, let it set for one or two days in the sun, and then bale it up and get it out. Along with bamboo, hemp is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth. Greg Wilson:Exactly. The wood jobs are bad.” So I was really surprised to hear you say, no, it’s not bad. Greg Wilson:The only way that we can get it out there and let people know is through stuff like this. Greg Wilson:My name is Greg Wilson. It’s him and team of engineers that are creating machines to create hemp wood. Greg Wilson:Yeah. So in the meantime, check out our Delta-8-THC FAQ. Greg Wilson:Once it gets up there, then the canopy goes out. [inaudible 00:25:40] two flatbeds and three containers, and then we had to assemble it for 45 days. Greg Wilson:Because we were going to sell the wood, now we have to cut the wood because everybody initially said, “Oh, yeah, I’m a big wood guy. Matt Baum:Is that because you’re using hemp instead of plywood, basically? Greg Wilson:And figured out various ways to take typically the offcuts from plywood mills and compress it back into wood that can be used as a solid. 3 talking about this. So we have a complete written transcript for this episode in the notes too. It is likely the first plant cultivated by humans for the use of textiles (Bengtsson, 2009).Hemp can also grow up to 0.31 m in a week, making it a desirable plant for production due to its fast-growing qualities (Oliver, 1999). 55% Hemp and 45% Cotton double layer face mask with elastic loops. They sent me some and I’ve been using it. So you can tick all the boxes of… There’s your mainstream American white Oak. Do they think you’re some kind of crazy hippie? So it’s even safer from like a flammability perspective too. We’ve got to stick with these guys.” And the answer is probably working together. Go figure. 610.742.2572, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Disclosure. And then these rolls are unrolled on to these racks that go into the dryers that I showed you earlier. Be the first to know! Matt Baum:Really? Wheat grows in a field and it’s green, right? It’s insane. And the glue is actually plywood glue, the pure bond plywood glue, which is the eco-friendly soy-based, but we dilute it down by a significant percentage, so it’s very liquid. Greg Wilson:Trademark the word HempWood, trademark the logo. And you can find links to their site and information on how to get 20% off your first order in the show notes. Greg Wilson:And actually the company does a lot more vinyl flooring now, which doesn’t fit the eco-friendly perspective we’ve been trying to do [crosstalk 00:05:20]. And it’s not an easy choice, because making a buck ain’t easy. Matt Baum:Just in time that you shut down. Like it’s not blown away. Matt Baum:That’s the soy. And so it can actually heat the water to the temperature that we need because it only needs to be 100 degrees instead of 250. Greg Wilson:We had to design that whole thing too. Hemp plastics are an ideal alternative considering it is a biodegradable plastic that only takes about three to six months to break down. They talk about the challenges of creating not only it but inventing the tools needed to manufacture HempWood, its benefits and comparison to other popular woods, and the challenges of launching a hemp start-up during the Covid pandemic. Brooklyn Blooms is a small-batch sanitizer formulation infused with full-spectrum CBD extract. And then they have to rest for a couple of weeks to stabilize. Matt Baum:One six foot piece weighs 300 pounds? It’s debatable how many trees grow on an acre. The Future of Hemp Plastic The perspective of using hemp plastic as a natural alternative in the future is looking very promising, with millions of dollars being funneled into research and new methods of use. But then we had to come up with a machine to be able to automate that. Greg Wilson:… whether interns or whatever. Tell me how it seals. Matt Baum:Right on. So yeah, COVID threw everything [inaudible 00:46:57], and we’re still turned upside down. And so you actually have spacing in between the trees and everything. Greg Wilson:From a couple of thousand dollars worth of dumping fees we would had… In reality, we were just throwing it out in the field. A normal wood saw won’t cut it? Greg Wilson:Absolutely. We have to come up with a means of cutting it properly because our regular wood saws weren’t strong enough. Greg Wilson:So then roped both of them into doing this. Our team includes years of experience in large scale Agriculture operations, as well as Specialty Crop management, paired with a deep network of subject matter experts in the Cannabis market and ancillary industry trades. And so you’ve got to have… But you’re allowed to have a soap dish and a hose bib as long as it doesn’t have a base in underneath of it. And I know I promised you that there was a show about Delta-8-THC coming, and it is coming. But people don’t buy wood. So when it’s getting rolled, it rolls it that way like a fruit roll-up, now it rolls it backwards. I was like, “What the hell is that?” And then all of a sudden we found out that was from the soy. Providing resources to farmers and agricultural professionals in the form of hemp seed, seedlings, grow contracts and partnership programs to include large scale hemp fiber cultivation management and harvest sales. We’ve taken a whole bunch of agricultural equipment from the cotton industry, the tobacco industry, the bamboo industry, you name it. And you can find more information about their farm, the genetics, and how their extraction process works over at and then head over to and check out and buy their products. Matt Baum:Right. Also, there are a lot of technical advantages of using hemp as an alternative, notes the National Hemp Association: it can run in any unmodified diesel engine, it is safe to handle and store, and is “the only alternative fuel in the US to complete EPA Tier I Health Effects Testing under section 211 (b) of the Clean Air Act, which provides the thorough inventory of environmental and human health effects … Greg Wilson:Here’s the problem, people involved in that don’t usually buy higher end home goods. Matt Baum:So the guys that work with it know what they’re getting and know how to use it, because it’s going to perform same way. Use the code “Ministry” at checkout for 20% off your purchase at and help support a great CBD brand that supports the Ministry of Hemp. Greg Wilson:Yeah. I mean, I work with wood. Oh my god. Matt Baum:This is amazing nerd engineer magic you’re talking about right now. It’s just more compact or? Greg Wilson:Oh yeah. Okay. Not only is hemp a viable alternative to fuel, but it might also replace our plastics. Matt Baum:That’s where I was, like, “Oh, man, he’s trying to take our wood job.” I’m like, “Take out the wood jobs. And I’ll tell you how to become one of those shortly here. The only thing I know to do is just trust our team to keep working. This article details ten reasons why hemp is a sustainable wonder crop. And so the number one reason that cabinetry makers, which are typically still made in the US, were not accepting of the product is because we didn’t offer plywood that had the face on it to do the skins on the side so it looks like it’s all hemp wood. Greg Wilson:That’s why the big deal about plantation forest versus old growth. Our top priorities lie in the benefits of farming hemp to heal the earth, the development of sustainable industrial hemp solutions, and the production of high-end cannabinoid ingredients for use in alternative medicines. So I actually made the table during COVID… Our first table was made, and we made it out of a solid and it was way too heavy. Our goal is helping people relieve stress,pain,anxiety,and symptoms of... Jump to Be sure to subscribe to the Ministry of Hemp podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbay, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Google Play or your favorite podcast app. And so now, it came back to us, we got to cut the wood into the usable sizes for the manufacturers. So we hook all those up, blow the fans across the hot air, then it dries out the head. We stick it into the press, we spray some more organic acid on it, which is the activator, which causes that cross-linking to happen, that we stole those proteins from the soy flour and impregnate it into-. And so if someone’s doing hardwood trade out of Africa, they’re probably not going into it saying, “Hey, I want to do this the wrong way to become overly wealthy.” They’re probably saying, “My customer gave me this order and it has to fit their budget. Greg Wilson:Yes, it is less flammable than your traditional woods, especially your softwoods. This beautiful plant is considered by some to be an alternative to hemp because of the similarities between the two plants. Oh, and make good decisions to, will you? All products on this website are intended for legal use. Tell me how it does this.” And share it on our platform. So here’s the edge of row crops. Greg Wilson:So there’s where we have a big difference, or a big problem that we have is you can buy cheap flooring for four or five bucks a foot. Greg Wilson:And then we turned it into an algorithm and then PAT and the standard operating procedure and ended up spending 14 years building bamboo factories. And that brings us to the end of the show where I like to end the same way every time by saying, remember to take care of yourself, take care of others, and vote next week if you haven’t already. So that was three coffee tables that are like 70 pounds. According to a report from Ministry of Hemp, it also requires less water, and the clothing made from cotton will wear out significantly faster than that made from hemp. But the maillard effect is like the browning of gravy. So you densify woods by either impregnating them with something, some sort of polymers or plastics, or different elements like that, or you compress them. Greg Wilson:Because they were deemed to be essential everywhere, where hotels and restaurants all shut down. Matt Baum:Sure, sure. Greg Wilson:And that gets passed through into the cost of making the product. And it feeds down a conveyor table and it gets rolled up again into a smaller bundle and chain link fence. Greg Wilson:But there’s only so many ditches [crosstalk 00:28:19]. Matt Baum:[crosstalk 00:28:20] mountain maker at some point, otherwise. Greg Wilson:Protein to carbohydrates .So we’re stealing the proteins from the soy, baking it in an oven, and then it turns brown. Greg Wilson:And so everybody that’s working on the farms, the school has five farms, they somehow, some way know something about hemp, because that’s one of their prime things here. Greg Wilson:And then you also have the population that grew up in the ’60s that are on to their forever home, and that are looking for nice things rather than the cheap vinyl or cheap tile that goes into their place. Matt Baum:Not only your raw materials, but you’re drawing from a pool of education as well that’s right there. If you believe hemp can change the world then help us spread the word! Actually, the most recent one, we took a rail car, flipped it on its side so we can get the nine foot width, hooked up the guts from five different tobacco barns flowing 75,000 CFM of air through there. And so our old baker resaw, now we’ve turned it into a fully automated, like 50 foot long saw, where it cuts the edge-. So when we were going to get married and moved to the States, I had to buy a house. And actually our best employees are guys that we got from the ag school here. It is stronger than oak, it looks just as nice, it’s not as flammable, and it sure grows faster than trees. Plus Kentucky is not an expensive place to live. Matt Baum:Right. And so it turned into a hundred thousand dollar remodel with taking down walls and the new kitchen and bathrooms. That’s what I’m thinking in my head, sort of picture it. Greg Wilson:Yeah, keep the publicity going, because we’re literally in the middle of a field. The number one question that we get about hemp wood; the number one thing people do when they get a piece in their hand is smell it. He then sent me a couple of pallets of lumber and a couple of different specialty cuts and stuff like that. Because a lot of what it is, you can buy anything for a buck. And when he got involved with the strand woven Eucalyptus, then he brought the project smarter to us because that was a forestry grant in Tasmania. Greg Wilson:So just working through all that stuff. All you got to do is let it [crosstalk 00:08:03].”. And then we can turn it into flooring, and furniture, and picture frames, and cutting boards, and what we call home goods and [crosstalk 00:32:01] woods, there’s cabinetry and stuff like that. We had to try all the different cuttings as [inaudible 00:28:37] didn’t work, and all these different ways of trying to harvest it, ended up with like 150 tons of hemp. The kenaf plant may be little known to many people in Western countries, but has been around for thousands of years in ancient cultures of the world. Charles welded up these enormous racks for us so we can take it and batch for each block. Red Oak. It can’t be vinyl that looks like wood. So we’re trying to target white Oak as the mainstream, but we’re trying to outperform it by getting the density of Brazilian cherry, so if the density is higher, then so is your hardness, and so is your stability, because the density-. And you named your company Fibonacci, who is a pretty famous mathematician and has his own sequence and everything. Are you guys diving into a new technology? Miji Media LLC. How hard did COVID hit you guys? That the biofuel is made from the wizard of Oz, is what you ’ re fine not the government! Gets into all these different specialty cuts and stuff like that between a square of... 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