cutting binding for quilt

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cutting binding for quilt

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When she's not behind her sewing machine you can find her playing with her fur babies or trying her hand at other crafty things. Pivot the quilt, so you are ready to continue stitching the next side. Leave a 6″-8″ tail from the end of the binding. Stitch this edge down, starting and stopping ¼in from each corner, as before. Cut crosswise strips the desired width, cutting enough strips to equal the total length needed. Binding a quilt can be difficult; I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t my favorite step in the quilt making process. Yep, it got sucked into the “when I have time” black hole! I like to start attaching the binding about 3/4 of the way down the long side. 1. Align long ruler next to square-up ruler to prepare to cut the side of the quilt. Strips to cut — Take your length of binding total and divide it by the width of your fabric. Allow 10″ extra for turning corners and the closure. Position and pin the strips perpendicular to one another with the raw edges aligned and right sides together. Sewing on the Binding: Non-Mitered: This is the fastest and easiest way to sew on bindings, and the way I personally prefer, for those very reasons. August 3, 2014 By Carolina Moore & filed under Home Décor, Quilting Blog. Take your binding and fold it back 45° right against that diagonal line you just stitched. For many quilters, once they have fallen in love with piecing their quilt tops, they turn towards learning to machine quilting their own finished projects. Start stitching the binding to the quilt approximately 6" away from the fold. First, do you want single or double fold binding? Our quilt binding instructions continue with marking and cutting your rectangle. In this quilt binding tutorial, I'll show you how to sew the binding on a quilt completely with your sewing machine. Take it nice and slow, as you want your stitching to be as straight as possible. Expectant mothers and little ones will love these handmade crib quilts! Repeat this step until all your strips are sewn together. Stitch the binding tape to the quilt sandwich using a ¼” seam allowance. Now line up your ruler to your desired width and cut — but be sure not to let the ruler slip. Prepare binding strips, cutting 2.5" WOF strips and joining on the diagonal. When you get closer to a corner, stop stitching about 4” away from the edge. An Instructable for people who already know how to put a binding on a quilt, but want to mix it up a bit. Stop stitching when you are ¼” from the corner edge of your quilt top. Home » Northcott » 4 essential tips for cutting fabric for your quilt. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, so the selvedges meet. Fold your square of fabric in half diagonally on the true bias to form a 45 degree angle. Strip Cutters make cutting your binding fabric easy peasy. Accuquilt GO! Measure the four sides of your quilt to determine the length of its perimeter. Double-fold binding is cut six times the desired finished binding width plus 1⁄4" to allow for turn of cloth (the fabric take-up resulting from folding and wrapping binding around the quilt edge). You can make quilt binding in any size you'd like, but 2 1/4 (2.25 inches) or 2 1/2" strips are most common - this will give you a binding width of about 1/4" on the front and back of your quilt. I learned this after I was taught to always make my bindings on the bias. Fold the binding back down and line up the raw edges of the binding to the raw edges of the quilt. Those seams will look a lot less bulky. Cut your required amount of strips. I like to start about halfway down one of the sides of the quilt to make sure I have plenty of room to work with my corners. Most quilt patterns and kits have you cut your binding this way. Stitch along that line and trim down to ¼” seam. Favorite Answer . Add 12 inches to this total to provide extra binding. It is the most durable binding technique as a broken thread would affect only a small portion of the binding edge. The bias cut produces binding that has a little give to it. Then you stitch that on your quilt and fold it over the raw edge of your quilt to finish it off. I think it's easier to work with. Cut a square from your binding fabric on the straight grain. Trim the excess fabric, leaving 1⁄4" seam allowances. Attach Binding to Quilt Back. A 5. Technically, bias binding is a more durable binding because the grain of the fabric is running diagonally in stead of parallel to the edge of the quilt. Double-fold, or French-fold, binding is the most common binding type. need instruction on cutting the binding for a quilt. Binding Strip Cutting Chart The total strip length in this chart is in inches, and already accounts for the inches lost when strips are pieced together. Flip the quilt and fold the binding strip to the same measurement as your seam allowance. Cut the binding fabric into strips of your chosen width. It can be helpful to put a pin here so you don’t stitch too far. With right sides together, align two short triangle edges. The seam allowance used to attach the binding should be equal to the desired finished width of your binding. Single-fold binding is cut four times the desired finished binding width plus 1⁄8" to allow for turn of cloth (the fabric take-up resulting from folding and wrapping binding around the quilt edge). A 1/4” seam allowance is by far the most common size; sometimes 3/8”, 1/2” or 5/8” is used. Press your fabric to remove any wrinkles or folds. Now pivot your quilt top again so you are ready to start stitching the next edge. The size of the binding is determined by the size of the seam allowance used when the binding is sewn on and how loosely or tightly the binding is folded to the back. If you want to try quilt binding alternatives or learn how to bind corners and curves, you won’t want to miss our free eBook all about binding and finishing quilts. Then, add an additional ten inches to that number to account for the four mitered corners, and use that as the length of binding to create. She is a self-taught quilter and is constantly learning and broadening her skill set to create one-of-a-kind quilts! Continuous bias cut 1 1/4-inch wide is perfect for most curved stems and applique vines. The quilt I’m binding for this post is one I designed as a free pattern for APQS almost 2 years ago. See our tutorial. 26 Shares. Fourth, bias cut binding is known to be stronger than straight grain binding , making it ideal for items that will be washed regularly, such as table linens; or used heavily, such as a bed quilt. 2. Go to the very end of your strip that hasn’t been ironed yet and fold the end about ¼” into the strip. Now take the other strip and lay it vertically-right side down on top of the other strip. Cutting strips. Begin stitching like before, taking it nice and slow. I was so afraid of bringing fabrics into the computer-based design software. I originally used a 2 1/2" wide binding, then 2 1/4" wide before I settled on 2" as my default. Once you have your finished quilt topper, you need to add the batting (for warmth) and the backing before quilting. Step 6: Finish sewing the binding How to Machine Bind a Quilt 1. Place the fabric on a cutting mat, right side up, and bring the top left corner toward the bottom edge, folding the piece as shown. Adding The Quilt Backing. Leave a 6" tail. I’ll add 10” to that and come up with 254”. There are a lot of different ways to do the binding on quilts. If you are using scissors, mark the line on the fabric first with your water soluble marker, then cut. Supplies You Will Need For Quilt Binding; How To Bind a Quilt: A Step by Step Tutorial. Follow these steps to complete attaching your binding. Refold the binding and stitch on to the quilt. Binding a quilt by machine: attaching your binding Step 1 Starting at the centre bottom of your quilt and following the traditional or seamed method (see below), attach the double-fold binding with raw edges aligned using a 1 ⁄ 4 in seam. If the binding is on the bias, and a thread breaks, the binding will not show the wear for a much, much longer time because of the way the threads run at X not + in the binding. You will need to attach several strips together. If using a narrower binding strip, 2.25" for example, fold back that measurement and pin. Check the accuracy of this fold with a 45 degree side of a triangle or with the markings on your cutting mat. If the quilt doesn't have borders, a binding sewn to edges with a 1/4" seam is the best choice, since that width matches the 1/4" seam allowance that's built-in to the edge of most quilt blocks. Continuous strip binding. Cutting Bias Bindings! You did it! Cutting strips. Step 1 – Cut The Batting. When you get to a corner, fold the strip up, away from the quilt top so that it’s creased at a 45° angle. Quilt binding is simply a folded strip of fabric that is used to conceal and bind the edges of your quilt to keep it from fraying. Five Quilt Binding Options. The narrower half will be sewn to the front of your quilt, and the wider half will wrap around to the back and will cover the stitch line from the front. In Part 1 of our instructions we calculated the total length of continuous bias binding and the strip width for a quilt. The binding is the very edge of the quilt so it will get handled a lot. Finishing From Cutting to Binding: How to Machine Quilt August 3, 2014 By Carolina Moore & filed under Home Décor , Quilting Blog . First Way For Cutting Bias Binding STEP 1. Quilt Direct, Pitts Cleave, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0PW UK. This chart assumes strips are cut from a fabric width of 40 inches to allow for trimming off selvedge edges, and that strips are joined with a 45-degree seam. Remove the selvages of the piece, straighten the long edges, making if a perfect rectangle (90 degree angles, opposite sides parallel and equal). Follow these steps for an easy self binding quilt finish! How to Cut Bias Binding: A Step-By-Step Guide, Better Binding: Mitered Corners & Invisible Joins. Bias strips are cut diagonally across the fabric. Binding Your Quilt: Ok. You will seldom have a single strip of fabric long enough to go all the way around the quilt. All Rights Reserved. To calculate the length of binding required measure around the edge of your quilt and add 24”. Determine how much binding you will need to go around all edges of your quilt. Mark, then join the strips with diagonal seams to make one continuous binding strip. Attach binding to back of quilt. Line your binding strip up around the edges of your quilt. Binding with Minky. Pin 20. Start off by cutting your binding fabric into strips. Step 1: Cut the fabric for your binding. You may find a rotary cutter to be helpful for larger projects. You can cut quilt binding in three different ways: Cross grain strips are cut across the width of the fabric from selvage to selvage. There are lots of tutorials for cutting bias binding like here and here. Use your walking foot to begin stitching along the edge of the quilt. Use your ruler as a straight edge, lining up the bottom left corner with the top right corner. The joining of the ends will be distinguishable from the other seams in the in the binding due to the bulk of the folded layers; this fullness is the main disadvantage of this method. Line up the raw edge of the binding to the raw edge of the quilt. I like to add another 10” to this number to make sure I have enough fabric. For example, for a standard 3⁄8"-wide finished double-fold binding, cut 2-1⁄2"-wide binding strips and attach them using a 3⁄8" seam allowance. I prefer not using pins, so I will not use them here, but if it makes it easier for you, then, by all means, pin away! This will ensure you have no raw edges exposed. Many patterns list the number of binding strips or the total length needed to complete a project. I like the look of 2 ½” binding best.). It has the least amount of stretch or flexibility compare to the other two types. Tweet. For 1⁄2"-wide finished double-fold binding, cut 3-1⁄4"-wide binding strips and attach them using a 1⁄2" seam allowance. It provides the most durable finish on a quilt's edges. So this quilt is only about 37 so I’m just going to need 4 strips to bind this because I know I’ll have enough. Line up your edges, so they are square. For a general overview of how to attach binding, see the tutorial on Quilt Binding Basics. Accuquilt GO! I prefer to cut my binding strips on the bias for a couple reasons. Lines are drawn, pieces are offset, and re-sewn into a tube, and then the tube is cut on the line with scissors. To attach the binding to the front of your quilt, determine which half of your binding strip is narrower. Actually, I love binding a quilt. Lay your quilt out on the table or floor, wherever you have plenty of space to cut your edges. This entry was posted in Binding & Finishing. Step 1 – Cut The Batting. Trimmed quilt ready to bind. Press outward. Accuquilt GO! Using a quilt ruler, rotary cutter and cutting mat (much better for the task than scissors), cut the strips calculated above (SIX 2½” wide strips in our sample). This is the method I use on most of my quilts, especially the ones that will be regularly handled and washed, because it covers the quilt’s edges with two protective layers of fabric, instead of one. Unfold the binding and lay … Keep in mind you’ll be cutting the fabric into strips that will then be folded in half. So how do you conceal your edges? To reduce bulk, press the seam allowances open. For example, mine is 40” wide. You did it! Here's what you'll need to bind your quilt: In this tutorial, I'll explain how to cut fabric using the cross-grain method. Then she guides us step by step on the best way to attach the binding and how to finish the last details by hand. Follow these directions and stitch down the rest of your binding until you are about 3” from where you laid the folded edge of the beginning of your strip. Coming through the very bottom edge of the binding’s folded edge slip the needle through the quilt back, slide it through the layers of the quilt, coming up at the edge of the binding fold about ¼” away. Allpeoplequilt is part of the Meredith Home Group. If you have a walking foot you can use that, I am using an old vintage 15-91 Singer and the walking feet … The crosswise grain of fabric is perpendicular to the selvage edges. The seam allowance used to attach the binding should be equal to the desired finished width of your binding. Finishing From Cutting to Binding: How to Machine Quilt. From cuddly baby quilts to quilted play throws, these quilts will be treasured for years to come. Cut your thread. Qubes & Bundles. If you are working on a project that has curved or scalloped edges, you will need to cut your strips on the bias grain. Lay your fabric on a flat surface. There are all kinds of rulers you can use, most of the time I use the one that I have handy on my cutting table which is 6″ x 24″. Keep in mind that you will be ironing the strips in half. Strip Cutters. Measure the length and width of the quilt with the tape measure, and add all four sides together. Double fold straight of the grain quilt binding. Bias binding is stronger and more durable as a quilt edge. You’ll need twelve to fifteen extra inches of binding material. This means you will cut your fabric widthwise — from selvage to selvage. This is a tutorial for double binding – there are two thicknesses. It is cut wider than single-fold binding because it is pressed in half (doubled) before it is attached to the quilt top. You’ll find more than 50 ideas for stylish accessories. Once you have your finished quilt topper, you need to add the batting (for warmth) and the backing before quilting. If you cut strips along the vertical length of the fabric, you waste little to no fabric. Take the end with the folded edge and line up the raw edge of your binding with the raw edge of your quilt. Step 3: Attaching the binding to the top of the quilt. Fold your fabric in half widthwise and make sure your edge is straight. Start about three-quarters down on the long side of your quilt. Cutting. Fat quarters are fun to collect and even more fun to use! Piecing Dies. Binding size refers to the width of the finished binding as it appears from the front of the quilt. Step 4: Attach the binding to the back of the quilt. For 1⁄4"-wide finished double-fold binding, cut 1-3⁄4"-wide binding strips and attach them using a 1⁄4" seam allowance. These next few steps are important to get a nice, clean mitered corner. Explore even more with Modern Patchwork Home! Single binding is done by using one layer of fabric and folding it over on to itself. You quilted your beautiful quilt, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Bias binding is made from 2 1/2″ strips cut on a 45 degree angle. Accuquilt GO! © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. Draw a line along that edge with your water soluble marker. Let’s make quilt binding! The seam allowance used to attach the binding should be equal to the desired finished width of your binding. I confess that I … Lift the presser foot and needle, cut the thread, and remove the quilt slightly away from the sewing machine. I also often use the red Wonder clips from Clover , although I stick with pins for the corner itself, because they hold the corner together more tightly than the clips do. Prepare yourself for…the dreaded quilt binding. Accuquilt GO! You can pin or clip the binding to the quilt top if you would like. Sometimes your quilt needs one color binding on the front and another on the back - this will take care of it for you! These will be your mitered corners. For this quilt binding method we will attach the binding to the back of the quilt first. Get free quilt patterns that will make it easy for you to put your fat quarters to good use. This is your first of four corners! These stitches also will be visible on the top of your quilt, so keep that in mind when trying to keep them straight. First, you will need to cut the batting the exact(ish) size of your quilt topper. Single-fold binding is cut four times the desired finished binding width plus 1⁄8" to allow for turn of cloth (the fabric take-up resulting from folding and wrapping binding around the quilt edge). I divide 254 by 40, which = 6.35. 4 essential tips for cutting fabric for your quilt. The pin placement for the top and bottom place the pin heads pointed out; on the two sides place the pin heads in. Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 – Measure the quilt to determine how many inches of binding you need. Determine Strip Width and Length. Step 2: Sew strips together and iron. Fabric Cutters. The bottom row will feature Blocks 25-30 moving from left to right. Accuquilt GO! Using a matching thread knot one end and hide it under where the binding will cover. Take two of your strips, and lay one horizontally, right side up. Trim the dog-ears. Why would I want to do that? 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