plant pests and diseases identification pdf

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plant pests and diseases identification pdf

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varieties are not available, select varieties that flower early or all flower at the same time. Plant early to avoid the period of heavy infestation. Survival of the viruses between crops or cropping seasons occurs in vines left in the, field after harvest, in storage roots discarded in the field or kept as a source of planting material, or in wild, SPVD is the most serious disease of sweet potato in Africa and perhaps the world. Dip the cuttings into a solution of the. 3 pp. Experimental trials suggest that soils with a low sand content suppress oospore germination, which is also less likely at, Another option is to alternate sorghum with crops other than maize, which may be infected by the same strains of downy, mildew that infect sorghum. Inspect the fresh sprouts on the cassava. The banana weevils can decrease root growth, reducing nutrient uptake and plant vigour, bunches and yields, and weakening the overall stability of the plant. Spores are spread in wind and rain, and leaves die rapidly after, infection, reducing fruit weight by 30-40% – less for plantains. infections. This list will help you learn about common pests and diseases and how to identify t… efficient than fire-bombs and dynamite, two other methods that usually require government or third party funding. Insecticides can be used to reduce if not eliminate. It attacks tubers in the field and in storage resulting in loss of edible parts, As there is evidence of different strains of, and the unrestricted movement of varieties of yam, Chemical control is not appropriate for the control of this disease as most nematicides are dangerous, causes four main problems on yams: (i) a reduction in the weight of diseased tubers, up to 30% less, is common in West Africa. or by attacking them when they are exposed above ground. Queensland Government (http://www. Seedlings from infected seeds show dark brown to black sunken spots on the stems and the first leaves, the. WBF Fighting against banana threats. While the bean bruchid is primarily known as a storage pest of grain legumes, it starts attacking the pod while the crop. Potato plants are most at risk from late blight under cool and moist conditions. There is an added danger of metalaxyl-resistance arising, oomycetes. Spores from the leaves infect the leaf sheath, stem and panicle and cause rots. Brown spots appear on the foliage and produce large numbers of, spores, which are then spread by rain-splash and in wind-driven rain. All cowpea viruses will affect the growth and development of the plant though not all pose a serious threat. The larvae of the stem borer attack the, growing points and leaves of millet, and bore into the stem of the crop causing ‘dead hearts’. species producing mycotoxins occur in all areas in Africa where maize is grown. also curl downwards with rolling of the leaf blade. Roughly circular and joining together, Remove weeds, volunteer (those that have grown without being planted) beans and other legume crops from the field. spacing, about 2.5 m apart (1600 plants to the hectare), will also help. They prefer, young plants or the youngest unfolded leaves. If plants show symptoms, cut open the stem and look for larvae, pupae and frass. CABI Crop Protection Compendium:, Striga aspera. the disease is seed-borne. healthy planting material. The disease. The sclerotia survive best when they are near the soil surface in well-drained soil. First discovered in 2011 in Kenya, the disease has spread rapidly to neighbouring countries. The bacterial wilt affects younger leaves, Carefully select planting material from areas where the disease is absent. The, opportunities for vector control are limited and only effective in the early stages of symptom. They must wash the equipment and bathe after each use. Fact sheet 2913. The use of chemicals is rarely justified due to difficulty. Uganda) but present in neighbouring countries (e.g. 89.Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India. Learn how to fix common garden problems, identify signs of plant disease, and rid your yard of damaging bugs and pests. Varieties that grow and develop roots near the soil surface are more likely to create cracks in the soils where the weevils, Plant early in the season, or early-maturing varieties, so that harvest can be completed before the dry season when the, Build up the soil around the base of the plant with a hoe to create a small hill or mound and re-ridge about 30 days after, planting. Bacterial leaf blight symptoms in the field. Do not plant new crops next to those that have the disease. bacteria-like phytoplasmas in South America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific. Dashes may also occur on midribs and the main trunk of, The initial symptoms of a secondary infection can be mistaken for a nutrient deficiency or abiotic (physical not, biological) stress. In Africa it occurs in Burkina, Faso, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Fungal diseases of pearl millet. The preparation of this manual was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. IITA. Furthermore, pesticides. Mullen J (2006) Southern blight, Southern stem blight, White mold. Early planting of sorghum will limit the spread of the disease through reduced availability of wind-borne conidia. The blackening is so uniform and sudden on. Metalaxyl, a systemic fungicide is still widely used but should be avoided because of pathogen resistance. out on some of the seed first, and always use a thermometer to measure temperature. but during dry or cold periods it can be up to 6 months (as they stop developing and remain in stems or plant debris). fungus by dropping soil and/or sclerotia on to other plants. Use resistant varieties if they are available in the region. It was previously thought that some cause wilting and death, known as ‘black. glyphosate) to hasten death of infected plants, then leave plants to die in place. West Africa). containing local plants with antibiotic activity. The birds migrate long distances to new areas with potential, food (and water). brown, with grey-black stripes along the side. Red to black spots occur on the leaves on the, Photo: Denis Persley, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, races are not known it would be best for smallholders to test varieties said to be tolerant or resistant before planting all. Using a pre-plant dip to, treat the cuttings can provide control for the first few months of the growing season. Varieties with tolerance (durable. On, the leaves, the pustules are round, 0.5 to 1.5 mm diameter, brown as masses of spores develop and break through the leaf surface. Effect of local food processing on phytate level in cassava, cocoyam, maize, sorghum, rice cowpea an... Price Transmission in Nigerian Food Security Crop Markets. When oospores penetrate the roots of young plants the infection spreads to the leaves, where wind-borne spores, known as conidia are produced, as well as more oospores. It is now common throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Plantwise Knowledge Bank ( There are no proven biocontrol options and preventing movement of whiteflies from infected areas is next to impossible. Losses of this kind impact food security and also threaten genetic resources. Plant mixtures of bean varieties – a strategy used in parts of Africa. planting downwind from them to avoid spread of spores from older to younger crops. Spread is by tubers used for propagation and also by, aphids. (http://www, Fusarium wilt of bananas (Panama disease).Agnote. These were followed by NASPOT 7 to 11. ( - Rust). cubense T. Panama disease. management strategy but the risk of disease outbreaks is too high to rely only on this approach. Do not. Losses have also been reported from China. Do not allow discarded storage roots to sprout; collect and feed to livestock or. Because. the 1970s and has since spread throughout Africa. Mole rats live and breed in underground burrows. Bacterial Canker. Infection by sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) can result in a mild yellowing or reddening of older leaves and, stunting, as its name suggests. Spots tan to brown and sunken, circling stems, branches, leaf and flower stalks. Monitoring should be done one or two days per week, once the sorghum flowers bloom. Dark spots, roughly circular and up to 10 mm diameter on leaves. The, behaviour and development of all three is very similar. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. in severely stunted plants with small, deformed leaves. Photo: Stan Diffie, University of Georgia, CC BY, Bio-pesticides can control and reduce populations. These narrow. of the arable savannah region, resulting in losses of up to US$13 billion per annum. throughout the entire plant, then leaves, wilt, dry up and die – a symptom common on transplanted seedlings, known as ‘kresek’ (an Indonesian word). Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Sudan the diseases are widespread. Small oval or circular spots with red-brown margins on stems and petioles. The ‘J’ hooks and dashes are, best seen on the underside of a leaf held against the light. Furthermore, do not replant with the same or another fusarium wilt, Fusarium wilt, also known as Panama disease, is the most serious disease affecting bananas. Control relies on community action, and early intervention, mostly using cultural methods. After about 7 days, the fungal growth begins to form sclerotia. : Groundnut rust is a relatively new disease to Africa, becoming widespread only, After harvest, all plant debris should be collected and destroyed, or used as fodder, Carry out regular inspections, at least twice a week, and spray when plants are first seen with, : Anthracnose of cowpea is a fungal disease affecting stems, branches, and leaf and, The best way to manage the disease is by planting anthracnose-resistant varieties, It is very unlikely that fungicides would be economical for the control of this disease, or that, Do not plant next to already infected crops, otherwise the new planting will be infected at an early, Note IITA has developed varieties with combined resistance to several viruses, bacteria, fungal diseases, nematodes and insects, including, : Cercospora leaf spot is a fungal disease. The leaf distortion occurs because the chlorotic areas expand less rapidly. Plant, mostly limited to veins on the underside. the major pests, diseases and disorders of citrus, you'll be able to identify them easily. These cultivars can still be infected, The key to successful management is careful selection of healthy planting material and keeping cutting tools used for cutting. blight on the leaves, showing wavy margins. Scarecrows, should be placed at several places in a field to be most effective. Biological control of cassava green mites in Africa: impact of the predatory mite, The larvae cause the most damage by feeding on the stems and storage roots. Stem and pod rot of groundnut is caused by a fungus. weevil population to die out, before replanting a field. Even in irrigated lowland rice, most varieties are not able to withstand, flooding for more than a week, and floodwater spreads the bacterial leaf blight between plants. This document is PP249, one of a series of the Plant Pathology Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Spores form on the spots, and the leaves begin to look silvery-grey, Sheath and stalk infections may also occur, can lead to rots, which result in the plants falling over. Larvae also attack the growing points, forming ‘dead hearts’ (meaning the central leaves become dry and withered). Integrated Sacks used to harvest or store grain should be immersed in boiling water to kill any remaining infestations. Flight traps (e.g. There have been regular epidemics since 2002 in a number of countries. The cotton bollworm is considered to be one of the most important pests worldwide, attacking over 200 species of. Nine different viruses have been recorded on cowpea in Africa and multiple viruses sometimes co-infect plants. Note that the bacteria causing this. Estimates will vary in different regions of the world, but generally losses in Cavendish plantations due to black. Remove all the corms after the final harvest, cut them into 4-8 pieces and allow them to dry to prevent larval development in harvested plants. Fenthion, an organophosphate pesticide, is commonly used in aerial spraying and from vehicle-mounted machines to, kill the birds. Spread of the virus by aphids is important, but so too is spread by vegetative propagation. The level of damage caused on the varieties of yam was studied in field experiment at two locations. tolerant varieties – crosses between African and Asian rice – supported by cultural techniques, e.g. This symptom is known as ‘green ear’, a distinctive feature of this disease. Look for silver streaks on the leaves, fruit and pods. New. The adult midge lays eggs into, the flowering spikelets of sorghum. Groundnut leaf rust (Puccinia arachidis). Bunchy top is one of the most serious diseases of banana. Cowpeas can be attacked by the legume pod borer from early budding through to harvest. remove volunteer plants and weeds, tolerant varieties and destruction of crop remains after harvest. lack of evidence to support seed transmission of the fungus, the justification for this is not clear-cut. The larvae can kill young seedlings by, boring into the stems and cause severe damage by boring into the storage roots of older plants. paler before the edges go brown and dry inwards. In this case, the farmer will not know what the pesticide is, how it should be used or whether it is out of date. If the disease does not affect these top leaves until 6 weeks after tasselling, then yield losses will, be small. Small grey and reddish-brown beetle-like insects, 3-4.5 mm in length, on stored, Round holes on the flowers and folded leaves that are stuck together. The manual contains over 50 fact sheets. The pest can be controlled through a combination of cultural, practices (most notably intercropping and the ‘push-pull’ system) and chemical insecticides or neem. During the day they can be found resting with their wings spread out on the undersides of leaves. No. Anthracnose means ‘coal disease’. Sow and plant early to avoid peak insect populations. Disease outbreaks are common and their potential impact is kept in check largely through the, use of clean seed and resistant varieties. destroy half of the products grown in the world. Neem-based pesticides (azadirectin) are effective against nymphs and can. of infection via pollen and nectar feeding insects that have previously fed on infected plants. for commercial plantations, but expense, availability and strategies to prevent fungal resistance, The first sign of the disease is red-brown streaks, parallel to the veins, about 1-5 mm long by 0.25 mm wide. The yellowing may affect the whole plant or only some shoots, or parts of shoots. light to dark brown scales and the wingspan is 3.5-4 mm. Discoloured areas have a clearly defined boundary corresponding to leaf veins. Mother plants selected for cuttings may show little or, no evidence of CMD. Survival of bacterial leaf blight between crops is not well understood. The more extensive the development of leaf symptoms, the. Even when, quelea do attack small grain crops, some farmers suffer more losses than near neighbours. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. By contrast, hot water treatment. production occurs, the disease is particularly common in the humid forest agroecological zone. Outbreaks cause great concern because of the difficulty in managing the disease once established, followed by rapid, spread through exchange of infected planting material. Management of the yam moth, Dasyses rugosella Stainton, a pest of stored yam tubers, (Dioscorea spp.) The banana weevil. It is a serious disease in India and Africa with losses of at least 30% reported on, The use of resistant varieties developed by ICRISAT, Seed from all sources, purchased or saved by farmers, should be treated with the fungicide, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid T, : During crop growth, especially during the first month after sowing, crops should be monitored, : Rust of pearl millet is caused by the fungus, Before planting, check if resistant varieties are available locally. In fact, most fungal, bacterial and viral plant diseases are spread naturally by wind currents, rain, soil seeds, insects and other animals. It is also important to practise good personal hygiene when applying pesticides. Spores need water to infect. technical manual. Adult females can lay hundreds of eggs in a lifetime. transmission of other virus diseases of cassava. They are difficult to control due to their mobility: a single control strategy is unlikely to succeed. Smallholders should be advised to carefully choose plants for planting: take cuttings, only from plants without symptoms of disease during the last crop. fungus will not remain alive in old vines or in the soil, but will survive on volunteer plants (those that are self-seeded). All are geminiviruses and share similar characteristics, though, they interact with cassava in different ways. 289p. If, Other reports using DNA comparisons regard, . The spread of transboundary plant pests and diseases has increased dramatically in recent years. For small plots, it is possible to hand pick and destroy the eggs and young caterpillars. roots develop a bitter taste, lowering their quality and economic value. Witches’ broom – a curse on cassava. one season to the next in left-over planting material. The mite is easily spread by the wind and through infested plant materials such as leaves (eaten as a vegetable), cuttings (used for propagation) and root tubers. infested plant debris or in the roots of other plants that are hosts. fields, destroy crop residues after harvest. Masses of spores (urediniospores) form in the pustules, and spread the rust within and between crops. The young larvae feed on leaf funnels leaving holes, and also the, growing points preventing flowering. Pod yield losses range from 35% to near 100%. It is present in, several African countries but is especially serious in the cool, moist environments of central and, southwestern Uganda. (, of the disease are spots on leaves, stems and pods. (, Bw&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Shoot%20and%20pod%20diseases%20of%20cowpea%20induced%20, Singh BB (2010) The quiet revolution. over 30 different types of virus that infect sweet potato. Plant early to ensure the crop is well established and better able to withstand an infestation. there are many plants with rust spots. However, damaging disease, with epidemics reducing the yield of early, Caribbean and the Pacific. East, South and Southeast Asia, East and West Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Pacific islands. If they grow right around the petiole and stem they will kill them. Disadvantages of this system include the space taken up by the Napier grass; the cost and lack, Intercropping with non-host plants, such as cowpeas or cassava, will also reduce the damage. strongly recommended as it improves the performance of all varieties against anthracnose. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Symptoms include tunnels, weak or dying suckers, yellow floppy leaves and smaller bunches. A common feature of the disease is the apparent recovery of some plants soon after infection when symptoms, varieties of yam from one country to another could spread them, transfers of yams should only be made as pathogen-, tested plants growing as sterile tissue cultures, following the FAO/IBPGR (1989), selected at the International Institute of T. performance: these should be sought for testing in areas where viruses are of concern. Bean flower thrips can be found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, both in regions with heavy rainfall and semi-arid regions. Great care should be taken therefore to obtain. schedule for fungicides must be rigorously observed since any gaps allow the late blight pathogen to enter the crop. It causes up to 10-25% reduction in pod yields worldwide. The disease has surged through Uganda since it was first found in 2001 and is, now widespread in the region. Thick-walled oospores can survive for several years in the, soil before infecting young plants. Apply after rains, or when expected, or when the soil is wet. Scutellonema bradys. Photo: Dr Stephen Kwaku Asante, CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute. Some plants may have leaf symptoms while tubers are, unaffected. Infection of stems and petioles produces 1-2 cm diameter oval or circular spots with red-brown margins. Plants stunted. Some other cultural control remedies used by farmers in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia, include: borders. Commercial, neem products (active ingredient azadirectin) are also reported to be effective against the pod-sucking bugs. At, the end of the rainy season, they migrate from the field back to a breeding site by rivers and swampy areas. brown, with greyish-black stripes along the side of the body and a thin light stripe. IITA reports that cultural controls alone cannot control pod-sucking bugs; 2-3 sprays of insecticides. Also, infected plants cannot be pulled easily from the soil. other leaves. Many plant diseases can quickly return if the dead plant matter isn’t properly disposed of. dangerous methods being used, such as flooding burrows and use of toxic chemicals: necessary because rats have become resistant to chemicals used previously, of their risks to human health and the environment. In more severe cases the foliage shows shoe-string symptoms, so called. CMD moves steadily in a distinct front, up to 100km in a year, to the ripples caused by throwing a large stone into a pond. Photo: USDA APHIS PPQ Archive, CC BY 3.0 US, www, which is much smaller and has seeds that mature and are shed faster, possibly the best for cereal crops. However, there are a number of ways to approach the problem. As they age, the spots become longer. There are no preventive chemical options. weeds, ploughing under of stubble and removal of volunteer seedlings. However, Sorghum downy mildew is most damaging when it infects roots and results in systemic infections. bananas quickly blacken and eventually the whole bunch decays. An outbreak in Malawi in the mid-1990s affected 3500 hectares and is estimated to have destroyed 800 hectares. The pustules occur mostly on the underside, of leaves, but on susceptible varieties may appear opposite them on the top surface. Black or brown lesions occur on stems and leaf stalks. CMD is present in all countries in Africa that grow cassava, from Senegal to South Africa and also on island nations such. NASPOT 11 is of most, interest, a seedling selection from a farmer participatory breeding programme, with acceptable storage root shape, high, Selection of planting material should be done carefully. obvious virus symptoms, particularly leaf mosaics and mottling. Although thought to be one species of fungus, USA and southern Africa. Dig out the plant with its. A high proportion of soils (40-80%) contain aflatoxin-producing strains of, Financial losses are substantial. A combination of, Strict regional quarantine measures to ensure the availability and use of clean planting material are. tubers and saving the smallest for ‘seed’ for next season’s crop: the smallest may have not grown well because of virus. ( Seeds can also become. Rainfall linked to germination of wild, grass seeds is used to predict likely growth in flocks and to plan early control interventions. therefore the pest is often protected from chemical sprays. Black Sigatoka is the most serious leaf disease of banana and plantains, and is widespread throughout the tropics. An alternative is to sow seed saved from. Mycotoxins cannot be seen or tasted. Check this website and, Much of the information about cowpea diseases comes originally from a chapter in Allen et al’s excellent book on, diseases of food and pasture legumes, though there have been important scientific advances since its publication in, Allen, DJ, Lenné JM (editors) 1998. creamy-white to grey grubs with a curled body and a light brown head. Seedlings that develop from diseased seed are systemically infected and lesions develop around the stem. The disease, spreads less rapidly during dry periods. The brown streaks are difficult to see and occur infrequently. The virus kills susceptible varieties. Studies have shown that applying phosphorus at 30 kg P/ha significantly decreases the pod-sucking. effective for cleaning infected planting material. The results obtained show that the number of damaged tubers, number, depth and diameter of feeding holes on Diocorea rotundata cultivar Tamenyo' were significantly (P<0.05) low compared with other cultivars at the two locations in two years. : Downy mildew of pearl millet is caused by an oomycete or water mould, . In South America, frogskin of cassava has been reported. as an oomycete, closely related to brown algae. Here's how you know. Open-pollinated varieties are also, being developed. Storage losses of 10-15% after three months and up to 50% after six months have been. This section covers the most important pests and diseases that affect cassava, sweet potato, yam and potato in, Mites feeding on underside of leaves and green stems appear as tiny, In severe attacks, newest leaves die and fall off and shoot tip looks like a, Only seen in one location in Uganda so far, On older or mature leaves, patchy yellowing of leaves along the thin, secondary veins that branch off from the main central vein. Do not store tubers that show signs of damage with undamaged tubers. The total. complication for plant breeders is that many of the existing CMD resistant cultivars are susceptible to CBSD. The virus can also spread. , a parasitic wasp, is present in several countries in West Africa. Coating the setts in wood ash is a traditional method that should be followed, even though it will not significantly reduce, nematode numbers, although it may add beneficial potassium. The. The list below comprises a large set of the pests and diseases … Farmers can look for tunnels and. Click on a plant disease to be taken to a page full of useful information about how to identify it and prevent problems. Over long. In addition to stem and pod rot, the disease is known as southern blight. Healthy planting material should be made available to farmers. A prominent feature of the disease is that the primary sources of infection are seed and soil. : Bacterial leaf blight of rice kills seedlings and destroys the leaves of older plants. ( snap, snare or live ), rice Knowledge Bank www.plantwiseorg/knowledgebank, AgriCultures Network http:,! //Www.Cabi.Org/Cpc/Datasheet/14918 ), will also help in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical.... And buried deeply or burnt avoid the diseases are domestic programs that target a regulated. 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