straight binding for quilt

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straight binding for quilt

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Mark a diagonal line to the corner. Tools for trimming a quilt to prepare it for binding. Like I mentioned previously, I was really scared to do a separate binding for my quilts. If you do not see the email, please check your junk or spam folder. All content © 2009-2013 Holly DeGroot, LLC/bijou lovely unless otherwise noted or credited. Of the three types of binding, French quilt binding is the most common and the simplest to make. Yes, it does actually. If you’re looking to add to your quilt binding expertise or want to explore more finishing options, download your copy instantly. Open the end binding piece, laying it flat and right side up. Good for quilts that will be used lightly and washed infrequently. where is thing going? Continue this process until all of your required strips are cut. You can’t go wrong learning how to face, frame, and hang your quilts like a pro with Susan’s expert advice. Lovely tutorial, Holly! I just needed to be actually BINDING a quilt to be able to take photos and do it. The narrower half will be sewn to the front of your quilt, and the wider half will wrap around to the back and will cover the stitch line from the front. Open binding for joining. For quilts with curved edges, you should make bias binding instead. – Fons & Porter, First Look: McCall’s Quilting March/April 2021, On the Horizon: January Quilting Workshops, Behind the Scenes: Love of Quilting 3700 Series, Quilting Daily TV: What to Binge on Your Holiday. The only special tool I use is a walking foot. Starting ¼ inch away from the corner of the quilt and using a ¼ inch seam allowance, stitch your binding to the quilt. I’ve had quite a few messages and emails asking if I would share how I bind my quilts for a 1/4” finished binding. ok, i thought i knew it all about binding, but that little trick you did at the end has me all confused! How do you make your quilts square? Maybe now I can stop pulling my hair out when making binding. My hands are not working as well as they used to so would sure be nice to learn to get that binding folded evenly. Straight Binding is made using either the straight of grain or cross-grain strips of fabric. Glue sometimes skips a bit. Pin the binding to your quilt so that the right sides of the binding and the right sides of the quilt are facing each other. This binding is made from strips of fabric, usually 2″ – 2½” wide, which are folded wrong sides together with the raw edges touching to create a double layer of fabric. Step 3: Attaching the binding to the top of the quilt. Take the dimensions of your quilt – length and width – and multiply those by the width of your desired binding (remember that you’re going to fold the binding in half so the finished width of the binding will be half the width you calculate here). These strips may be cut on the straight grain or on the bias. Slide the trimmed end under the folded edge and finish sewing the binding. If you’re like me and want a little more assurance before you begin to cut and bind your quilt, I’d recommend watching a video first. It can be used for square and rectangular quilts, anything with straight edges! One of my go-to videos to bolster my quilting spirits before I bind is from Susan Brubaker Knapp. All you have to do is follow these simple quilt binding instructions and you're good to go. It's common to get frustrated when finishing a quilt, but when you learn the proper technique it becomes effortless. Quilts that have curved edges require bias binding. Once you get into curved edges, you'll want to use bias binding instead. Step 4: Attach the binding to the back of the quilt. I bound a King sized quilt for our bed with it, and within one year, this is what happened on my hudband’s side of the bed: His whiskers rubbed the fabric open because there was no cross-weave support on the edge of the quilt. Step 2: Sew strips together and iron. Fold the binding to the back of the quilt, enclosing the raw edges. Simply because it’s easier for me. If, however, you’re binding a quilt with curved edges, you’ll want to cut bias strips for your binding. For example, for a standard 3⁄8"-wide finished double-fold binding, cut 2-1⁄2"-wide binding strips and … Place a pin about every 6" to make sure the binding is secure. You've never read a quilt binding tutorial like this - it's so easy. Use the following set of simple equations: Length*2 + Width*2 = Quilt Perimeter I have used a zig zag stitch on pot holders (my practice binding choice). Your binding is finished! Alright, let's get started. I am happy to oblige! I'm going to start near the end of the quilting process to supplement my patterns and tutorials, but maybe we can head back to the beginning stages with a simple quilt tutorial sometime soon. Straight binding is easier to cut and apply. Great tutorial! To make straight-grain binding (pictured above), the binding strips are cut from selvage to selvage, sewn together into one long strip and pressed in half. Thank you! Cookie Statement | Terms & Conditions | Subscription Alert – Unauthorized Agents. Stop ¼ inch away from the next corner and repeat these steps for all four corners. While some quilts, those that are round or have wavy or curved edges, require bias binding- most quilts need straight grain binding. Then measure in from there to your desired width (3" in this picture) and cut your strip. add to your quilt binding expertise or want to explore more finishing options, download your copy instantly, Make The Most Of Pre-cut Fabric Packs! Thank you for making it... and for putting up how to calculate how much material you will need for the binding. Will you cut your binding on the bias or straight of grain? To determine how much straight binding is needed for your project, measure the length and width of your quilt top. Learn an essential quilting technique with this Easy Peasy Binding Tutorial. You can also … Continuous binding can be machine-sewn to the front side of the quilt and hand-stitched to the back, but I prefer to attach it to the back side of the quilt with no hand sewing. Today we're going to talk about how to make your own straight-grain binding! Binding puts the finishing touches on any quilting project. Roll it up and get ready to, This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from. Open the beginning binding piece, laying it on top of the other, right side down. Quilts are created when pieces of fabric are cut and sewn together in a pattern and layered with additional padding for warmth. I’m glad you asked! Crosswise grain isn't usually perfectly straight, so there's less risk that a split would damage an entire side — it would be more likely to travel a short distance and then stop when it butts into the quilt's front or back. Here are a few terms and definitions to help you understand which binding strip is right for your quilt: Why are these sewing terms important to consider when binding a quilt? When you come to the end, measure and Mark 1/4" from the edge. When I am nearing completion of a quilt, I always find comfort in a little quilt binding refresher. I love to attach bindings because that means the quilt is nearly finished. Crosswise grain quilt binding strips are a good choice for most quilts. Quilting Basics:  Attaching Binding to a Quilt. Each can be used for either single or double fold bindings. this is a real cliffhanger for me!and maybe you already know about this, but just last night i downloaded the robert kaufman quilt calc app to my iphone. Then, sew a straight stitch 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) from the edges of the quilt going through the quilt and binding. Binding your quilt with straight-grain, double-fold binding is a great, durable way to finish off the raw edges. Binding The Quilt. The folded edge of the binding strip should just cover the stitches visible on the back of the quilt. I'm making a little baby quilt here, so my dimensions are 35" x 42". If the quilt is 24″ by 30″ then you could use a 8.5″ square-up ruler, and your longer ruler could be 10-15″. The advantages to straight grain binding over bias binding are that it uses less fabric and is easier to cut. Let's do some quilt math. NOTE: If your quilt or item you are binding has curved edges or corners, you need to cut your binding on the bias, at a 45 degree angle. I think it's about time I started posting some quilting basics for those of you who are just starting to get into quilting! There are three ways to cut strips for binding quilts; all with their own strengths and weaknesses. For a square quilt straight grain binding, meaning fabric strips cut cross grain or length-wise grain, will work well. Binding for a quilt may be made from strips of fabric that match or coordinate with the fabrics used in the quilt. These are the two most common ways to cut strips for binding a quilt, but do you know the difference between straight of grain and bias binding techniques? super cool and totally worth it... especially since it's free! I will be definitely sending my readers this way when we talk about binding in a few weeks during the Beginner's Quilting Series. How To cut straight grain binding. Tips to Straight Grain Binding . Crosswise grain binding strips are also stretchy enough to wind around large curves on a quilt's exterior. If, however, you’re binding a quilt with curved edges, you’ll want to cut bias strips for your binding. As a process, quilt binding is the act of sewing the binding tape to the quilt (which will be covered in a future post). This type of binding protects the quilt's edges with just a single layer of fabric. Once you get into curved edges, you'll want to use bias binding instead. I am making a thicker binding, so I'm going to cut my strips at 3" wide. I usually just guestimate (yes that is a technical term hehe) and end up with a bit extra. First of all, you'll need to calculate how much binding you'll need to make. You’ve pieced your quilt, quilted it beautifully, and now it’s time to finish it off with binding. When you fold your binding back in half, if you cut correctly, it should look like the picture below when the raw edge is on the bottom and the length of your strip is to your left. Straight edge binding saves the amount of fabric that you need to bind a quilt and was a popular practice several years ago. Supplies You Will Need For Quilt Binding; How To Bind a Quilt: A Step by Step Tutorial. I knew that precision was key and as a beginner, I didn’t feel like I could take that risk. This tutorial covers cutting, preparing and hand stitching the binding as well. Arajane's right, I love that little RK app, it has lots of other quilt math options on it, too, like a backing calculator, a pieces to yardage calculator, and so forth. How to Bind a Quilt with Mitered Corners. So plugging those numbers into my equation: So now I know I need to cut 4 strips, and if I cut each one at 3" wide, I'll need 1/3 yard of fabric for binding. That is totally my favorite print for binding...quite possibly in the history of ever!! LOL! You will see why this is important when we attach it to the quilt! There was room for mistakes, and it seemed relatively straight … Some quilters also prefer bias cut binding for straight edged quilts. After completing the detailed process of sewing a quilt (see How to Make a Quilt) the last step is to bind the edges with fabric to give your quilt a “finished” look.This article details the process for making binding strips and using them to bind your quilt. Tip: cut the end binding 1/8" short of the fold for a better fit along the quilt. Thanks. Sew the binding in place by hand, tucking in the corners to complete the miters as you go. Good for wall quilts. The seam allowance used to attach the binding should be equal to the desired finished width of your binding. ;) can't wait to see that reveal! The advantages to straight grain binding over bias binding are that it uses less fabric and is easier to cut. This is a wonderful tutorial Holly! All Rights Reserved. i know figuring out how much binding you need to do isn't that difficult, but this thing does it for you in seconds! Step 1. Cut the end binding where it touches the fold. She does a fantastic job demonstrating binding a quilt along with six other quilt finishing techniques in the Quilting Arts Workshop video Fabulous Finishes. As an object, quilt binding is the fabric that wraps around the outer edges of your quilt sandwich - the top, batting & backing together - and is attached after quilting to finish your quilt. These extra inches allow room for making mitered corners and make finishing the ends easier to accomplish. Great tutorial but I was highly distracted by that lovely quilt in the background. The binding will be straight even if your quilt edges aren't. Unfold the binding and lay it right side down on your quilt front with raw edges aligned. Stop gluing 2" from the end. Heat set with an iron. Step 1: Cut the fabric for your binding. Fold the binding strip down again aligning the raw edge of the binding to the raw edge of the quilt. I don’t seem to be able to get both sides folded over exact so that I can straight stitch in ditch and catch the reverse side. For a square quilt straight grain binding, meaning fabric strips cut cross grain or length-wise grain, will work well. Straight-grain binding, or quilt binding how it’s often referred to, can be cut lengthwise, or crosswise – the latter is my preferred way to cut it, as you’re only cutting from selvedge to selvedge. It can be used for square and rectangular quilts, anything with straight edges! You will be logged in automatically and a confirmation email with a password will be sent to your email address. Once you've figured out what width you're going to cut, line the folded edge up with a line on your cutting mat and square up the edge of the fabric. Once I found the self-binding option, I was sold! Now we can actually start making our binding! You must Register or Lay the end binding along the quilt and on top of the folded beginning binding. I know the term “squaring up your quilt” sounds intimidating, but I hope with this step-by-step tutorial, you can square up your next quilt with confidence and ease. This is because the threads in a bias binding lay diagonally and fold over the edge of your quilt; as opposed to straight binding – which has threads going parallel to the quilt and ends up with only a couple of threads at the very edge where the fold line is – that’s why it will wear out faster. Of course, if you are binding a smaller quilt, you should adjust the size of your rulers to fit the project. Once you’ve settled on bias binding or straight of grain binding strips, and chosen the width of your binding, you can put rotary cutter to fabric with confidence. Login to post a comment. Fold the strip back so you have a 45 degree angle. Straight-of-grain binding is the easiest to make. What is Quilt Binding? Can't wait to see your Nursery Versery quilt all finished up, so pretty! Use a pin there instead. Alright, let's get started. It will look like this when you fold it in half again. © Copyright 2021 Golden Peak Media. The stretch in the bias makes it easier to maneuver the binding around the quilt’s curved edges. With all your corners at perfect 90° angles and your edges straight as a line, binding your quilt should be a piece of cake! Instructions to Double Fold Bind a Quilt. Line your needle up with the first crease mark (the fold line that is closest to … Here is a tutorial on how to attach straight binding. Not only does it help me take a moment to get situated and organized, it also prevents me from plowing through finishing my quilt and risking frustration-induced mistakes. ZJ Humbach shows you how to make straight grain binding and then teaches some of the basics of quilting binding including showing how to calculate how much binding you will need for your quilt. Double-fold binding is cut six times the desired finished binding width plus 1⁄4" to allow for turn of cloth (the fabric take-up resulting from folding and wrapping binding around the quilt edge). For this method, the quilt's backing fabric is trimmed straight and wrapped around to the front of the quilt and stitched in place to form the binding. Double that number and add about 14" . For quilts that are lap size and up, I … and there's a bunch of other quilt calculations it does, too. Would not do that on a quilt so have to hand sew on to quilt. To attach the binding to the front of your quilt, determine which half of your binding strip is narrower. What is the best width for quilt binding? And such bright, happy fabrics! Also, bias binding is stronger and tends to last longer. The stretch in the bias makes it easier to maneuver the binding around the quilt’s … I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! 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