what is iris the goddess of
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"Hera sent down Iris from heaven to the fiery [the Italian king] Turnus . . Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : ix. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) Then she went to Hephaistos and easily persuaded him to rest. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) She uses the rainbow to travel from the sky to the water. Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. 4.479, Vergil Aeneid 9.2, Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.20) Talking about Iris, she was a swift messenger goddess in Greek mythology and a famed subject for vase painting but she is better known as the goddess of rainbow. Hesiod, Theogony 265 ff (trans. And she obeyed the dark-clouded son of Kronos (Cronus), and sped with swift feet across the space between. ", Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 14. Why, of ourselves, the gods of heaven. Iris : I? they must offer sacrifices, and not to Zeus at all! "For, while they [Aeneas and his men in Italy] perform the rites at the tomb with various contests, Iris has been despatched from heaven by Hera, on the wings of a favouring wind, to the Trojan fleet : the goddess has certain designs; unappeased as yet is her old resentment. In this man's likeness Iris the swift-running spoke to them : ‘Old sir, dear to you forever are words beyond number as once, when there was peace; but now stintless war has arisen. v. 610) Iris appears as a virgin goddess; but according to later writers, she was married to Zephyrus, and became by him the mother of Eros. And she never forgetteth her seat, not even when sleep lays upon her his forgetful wing, but there by the edge of the great throne with head a little bent aslant she sleeps. [N.B. (The Machine brings in Iris (Goddess of the Rainbow), in the form of a young girl.) Campbell, Vol. . in Del. "Now Thaumas married a daughter of deep-running Okeanos (Oceanus), Elektra (Electra), and she bore him swift-footed Iris, the rainbow. 20 (trans. Some accounts depict her as one of the goddess Hera’s assistants. Iris : Of which? Iris flies on wind and moves just like a blast of bright air. 270 ff (trans. After much toil She [Leto pregnant with Apollon and Artemis and forced to wander the earth by the rage of Hera] came unto the Isles (Nesoi) of the sea. ", Homer, Iliad 24. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) So she cajoled him, and the shoes carried her high into the air.". . . . She came and stood close to him and addressed him in winged words : ‘[She relays Hera's message.] . : (Eustath. The union of the rainbow and west wind symbolised the variegated brilliance of passion. 189 ff (trans. Rackham) (Roman rhetorician C1st B.C.) This colorful image led to the naming of the flower and to the colored part of the eye. Last of all, she went to Aiolos, the famous son of Hippotas, and when she had given him too her message, she rested her swift limbs, the errand done. where, where, are you flying to? Aen. "The most grim of gods [Eros (Love)], whom Iris (the Rainbow) of the fair sandals bore, having lain with golden-haired Zephyros (Zephyrus, the West Wind). . . Rheia unsmiling beckoned, and the Korybantes (Corybantes) served her beside the bowl of the divine table. Some legends also hold she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the shadowy river separating the world of human beings from the underworld. Iris was the sister of the Harpies—Okypete and Aello. Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water. Name: Iris Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present In charge of: Communication Area of expertise: Communication Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Popularity index: 5916 . ", Plato, Cratylus 400d & 408c ff (trans. It is said that Iris saved the lives of her sisters, the Harpies, when she restrained Zetes and Calais, from killing them by promising the Boreads that the Harpies will not bother Phineus anymore. And to Aiolia (Aeolia) came she, isle of caves, of echoing dungeons of mad-raging winds with rugged ribs of mountain overarched, whereby the mansion stands of Aiolos Hippotas' son. People believed that this would summon the goddess to guide the souls in their journey to heaven. Zeus whose purposes are infinite calls you.’ . .’ ", Virgil, Aeneid 5. . to C1st A.D.) : Then in turn the shaker of the earth Poseidon spoke to her : ‘Now this, divine Iris, was a word quite properly spoken. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 26. She plummeted to the sea floor like a lead weight . Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) 606 ff (trans. Day-Lewis) (Roman epic C1st B.C.) 60 ff (trans. The goddess had asked her to watch for the moment when they [the Argonauts] set out for the ship; and now she urged her once again to help her : ‘Dear Iris, if ever you have done my bidding, serve me now. Quickly she reached the hill of Romulus with Thaumantea [Iris]. 585 (trans. 829 (trans. 830, &c.) Some poets describe Iris actually as the rainbow itself, but Servius (ad Aen v. 610) states that the rainbow is only the road on which Iris travels, and which therefore appears whenever the goddess wants it, and vanishes when it is no longer needed: and it would seem that this latter notion was the more prevalent one in antiquity. 350 ff (trans. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 13. The messenger of Zeus to mankind, I am going to tell them to sacrifice sheep and oxen on the altars and to fill their streets with the rich smoke of burning fat. 655 ff (trans. Hither from the blue sky came in balanced flight the varicoloured maid; the forests shine out, and the shady glens smile upon the goddess, and smitten with her zones of radiance the palace starts . Did you present yourself to the officers in command of the jays? [1.3] THAUMAS & OZOMENE (Hyginus Fabulae 14), [1.1] POTHOS (by Zephryos) (Alcaeus Frag 257; Eustathius on Homer 555, Nonnus Dionysiaca 47.340). : Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 12. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona. Next, go to Aiolos (Aeolus), king of the sky-born winds, and to him too convey my wishes, which are that he should order all the winds of heaven to cease . ", Homer, Iliad 8. . > According to Hesiod's Theogony, Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra, and the sister of the Harpies: Aello and Ocypete. She is able to change shapes and when delivering messages to mortals Iris assumes the appearance of a mortal known to those who receive the message. . . A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. Pisthetairos (Pisthetaerus) : Hi! . Iris : A safe-conduct to me. . . ", Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 8. Iris Facts and Figures. You know the Erinnyes (Furies), how they forever side with the elder.’ Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) I shall send more than six hundred porphyrions (water-hens) clothed in leopards' skins up to heaven against him; and formerly a single Porphyrion [the giant-king that attacked heaven] gave him enough to do. Iris : I do not understand it. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. 3. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) . Photokinesis: As the Goddess of the Rainbow, Iris has the divine authority and absolute control over rainbow. . seeking the wandering track of vagrant Hypnos (Sleep). . IRIS (Iris), a daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias, Virg. That means she spends most of her days winging down her multicolored bridge on her golden wings, making sure the mortal world gets an earful of what Olympus has to say. Theog. Halt, don't stir! ", Philostratus the Elder, Imagines 1. Pisthetairos : Men now adore the birds as gods, and it's to them, by Zeus, that Then indeed, amazed at the miracle, driven by a frenzy, all crying out . Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) Pisthetairos : Woe to you! Iris was one of the few Olympians who was able to travel to the underworld. I need not tell you that one lovesick will do anything for hope.’ . "Nothing of this escaped Hera . But the goddess refused to heed the call. 80 ff (trans. 121 ff : "Hera made her way brooding to the waters of Khremetes [Chremetes, a river of North Africa] in the west . 188 ff : pp. : Plato, Cratylus 400d & 408c ff (trans. 340 ff : Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) "Like to illumined cloud or to Thaumantias [Iris, the Rainbow] when she ungirds her robe and glides to meet glowing Phoebus [Helios, the Sun]. PersonalityAntheia is very quiet to others except for nature-dealing and Iris. The iris is represented in Greek mythology. A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Iris goes forth, and tricks out her beams, made dim by showers of rain. to C1st A.D.) : Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 4. . xiv. Pearse) (Greek mythographer C1st to C2nd A.D.) : Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 ff (trans. 142 ff : Iris was a goddess of sea and sky--her father Thaumas "the wondrous" was a marine-god, and her mother Elektra "the amber" a cloud-nymph. 85 ff (trans. He sent on her way Iris of the golden wings with a message. . Iris : Am I dreaming? 397 ff : Eris's Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Roman counterpart is Concordia. : She stood bowing low, and bent down her head to kiss Rheia’s feet with suppliant lips. . . 53 ff : You must say whence you come. Iris is considered a minor goddess. (Il. . But tell me, where are you flying to? Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) Iris is shown with wings, a (kerykeion) herald's staff, and a pitcher of water. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. . Hesiod, Theogony 265 ff (trans. She is known as ‘The Rainbow, Iris’ thus suggesting that her presence is a symbol of hope or maybe … ", Homer, Iliad 5. Eleusis, and there finding dark-cloaked Demeter in her temple spake to her and uttered winged words : ‘Demeter, father Zeus, whose wisdom is everlasting, calls you to come join the tribes of the eternal gods: come therefore, and let not the message I bring from Zeus pass unobeyed.’ Thus said Iris imploring her. So communication between heaven and earth, goddess of … And she went on to swear by the waters of Styx, the most portentous and inviolable oath that any god can take, that the Harpyai should never visit Phineus' house again, such being Fate's decree . Iris : By which gate? These were holding assembly standing close at hand swift-running Iris spoke to them, and likened her voice to that of the son of Priamos (Priam), Polites . In ancient times, the Iris was considered a symbol of power and majesty, the three petal segments representing faith, wisdom and valor. Del. Iris Facts and Figures. 655 ff (trans. fool! ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2. But they won't pass this way. 266, 780; Apollod. In Hesiod’s works, at least, she had the additional duty of carrying water from the River Styx in a ewer whenever the gods had to take a solemn oath. . O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) 10 (trans. "From the bed of primeval Thaumas his rosyarm consort Elektra (Electra) . Iris, a shade of the color blue, is named after her. Iris is shown with wings, a ( kerykeion ) herald's staff, and a pitcher of water. 189 ff (trans. Apulian Red Figure Vase Painting C4th B.C. The goddess Iris I have the Mythic tarot deck and today I drew Temperance which is represented by the greek goddess Iris in the deck. 197. xxiv. If Iris was the – and you think of the iris of your eye, the colors of the rainbow. "The fleet [of Aeneas] that Iris Junonia [Juno-Hera's envoy], nearly fired, cast off and left behind Hippotades' [Aiolos' (Aeolus')] domain. Iris was often described acting as an intermediary between Hera queen of the gods and Hypnos the god of sleep. 585 ff : The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. . She called Iris then, and coaxed her with friendly words : ‘Iris, goldenwing bride of plantnourishing Zephyros, happy mother of Eros (Love) [i.e. (Il. ", Virgil, Aeneid 9. . Iris the swift-foot came close beside her and spoke to her : ‘Rise, Thetis. rescue the Titan [Prometheus] from the dreadful Bird.’ Empowering … 409.). . Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. . She mounted the chariot and beside her entering Iris gathered the reins up and whipped them into a run, and they winged their way unreluctant. . She is sibling to Arke, Aello, Celaeno, and Ocypete. Iris is often described acting as the intermediary between Hera and Hypnos. The iris got its name from the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. 1.1. "And the chlamys he [Amphion] wears, perhaps that also came from Hermes; for its colour does not remain the same but changes and takes on all the hues of the rainbow." "Spreading her wings, the goddess [Iris] took off from earth, describing a rainbow arc under the clouds as she flew. Energy Blasts:She is able to unleash blasts of multicolored energy from her rainbows, causing great damage in structures like buildings. 1.1.3. 5.) p. xxiii. Rackham) (Roman rhetorician C1st B.C.) "Hermes is a god and has wings and flies, and so do many other gods. . ]’ Most sources describe Iris as the daughter of the Oceanid cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas, a minor god sometimes associated with the sea. As the sun unites Earth and heaven, Iris links the gods to humanity. Homer uses the form aellopos. I am a messenger of Zeus, who far away cares much for you and is pitiful. It is beautiful enough, and its marvellous loveliness has given rise to the legend that Iris is the daughter of Thaumas (Wonder). : . 196 ff : Iris : Are there others then? . Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : It is because Hermes (Mercury) is called the messenger god. Hark! Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : "Sokrates (Socrates) : He who said that Iris (Rainbow ) was the child of Thaumas (Wonder) made a good genealogy. . She spoke, and with her hand beat upon his languid breast, and charged him again and yet again, lest her message be lost. : Cicero, De Natura Deorum 3. The ancient Greeks described her as “swift footed”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests. Iris, in Greek mythology, the personification of the rainbow and (in Homer’s Iliad, for example) a messenger of the gods. Like thereto Thaumantias (daughter of Thaumas) sat beside the throne. . Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 ff (trans. Armed with the brand of Zeus, justice would annihilate your race; the lightning would strike you as it did Likymnios and consume both your body and the porticos of your palace. Come, lift the thyrsus of battle in your hands, and earnheaven by your deeds. When swift Iris, fleet of foot as the wind, had heard all this, she set to run; and quickly finishing all the distance she came to the home of the gods, sheer Olympos, and forthwith called Eileithyia out from the hall to the door and spoke winged words to her, telling her all as the goddesses who dwell on Olympos had bidden her. ", Homer, Iliad 2. . Iris is the Messenger Goddess.daughter of the Titan Thaumas and Electra. Iris [like Hermes] also seems to have got her name from eirein, because she is a messenger. Then in turn Akhilleus of the swift feet answered her: ‘Divine Iris, what god sent you to me with a message?’ Blindness Inducement:Through u… There a star from heaven dropped gliding to the ground and by its glow set the queen's hair ablaze, and with the star Hersilie ascended to the sky. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. that Paris has abducted Helene]. She is depicted as a beautiful golden goddess, with wings (for flight), sandals, a staff, and a tunic. .’ Iris entered, and the bright sudden radiance of her robe lit up the hallowed place . to C1st A.D.) : 585 (trans. p. 155. d; Plut. 80 ff (trans. And she had two look-outs to keep watch upon the earth. "Father Zeus sent Iris to the divine halls of Rheia, to inform wakethefray Dionysos, that he must drive out of Asia with his avenging thyrsus the proud race of Indians untaught of justice: he was to sweep from the sea the horned son of a river, Deriades the king, and teach all nations the sacred dances of the vigil and the purple fruit of vintage. She was a friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, the oppressed, who also listened to the prayers of the rich, the maidens, the aristocrats and the rulers. 4.479, Vergil Aeneid 9.2, Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.20), (Alcaeus Frag 257; Eustathius on Homer 555, Nonnus Dionysiaca 47.340). [and upon their meeting] the Thaumantian [Iris] rose on swift wings and fled. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) . Him found she therewithin with wife and twelve sons; and she told to him Athena's purpose toward the homeward-bound Akhaians (Achaeans). . In later poets she appears on the whole in the same capacity as in the Iliad, but she occurs gradually more and more exclusively in the service of Hera, both in the later Greek and Latin poets. : Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. . Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Hesiod, Theogony 780 ff (trans. Iris obeyed and gliding down to earth along her many-coloured bow addressed Hersilie in the words prescribed; and she in awe and reverence would hardly raise her eyes. And Iris, by Hera's command, put the winged shoe on her feet, and holding a rod like Hermes the messenger of Zeus, flew up to warn of what was coming. . Pisthetairos : You hear how she holds us in derision. If Iris was the – and you think of the iris of your eye, the colors of the rainbow. "Iris (the Rainbow) the bride of Zephyros (the West Wind) and mother of Pothos (Desire). charioted upon the Anemoi (Winds), Euros (the East), Boreas (the North), Zephyros (the West-wind), and Notos (the South) [the four-wind gods in the forms of horses] : for Iris rainbow-plumed led 'neath the yoke of his eternal ear that stormy team. Since Zeus has uttered this threat and will make it a thing accomplished: [she repeats message verbatim] . So he commanded. de Plac. . 189 ff (trans. Never does she unloose her girdle or her swift hunting-boots lest her mistress give her some sudden command. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. Iris is generally considered to be a "minor" goddess in that she is submissive to the Olympians and has no specific domain. fool! ‘Go on your way, swift Iris, and carry my word to Hektor (Hector) : [He gives her a message.] 115 ff : Statius, Thebaid 10. ", Hesiod, Theogony 780 ff (trans. 1. . For the coastal-dwelling Greeks, the rainbow's arc was most often seen spanning the distance beteween cloud and sea, and so the goddess was believed to replenish the rain-clouds with water from the sea. Fast flies the goddess and bids the hero quickly perform his sire's commands, and pours the glad message into his eager ears. 102, &c.) In accordance with these functions of Iris, her name is commonly derived from erô eirô; so that Iris would mean "the speaker or messenger:" but it is not impossible that it may be connected with eirô, "I join," whence eirênê ; so that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, would be the joiner or conciliator, or the messenger of heaven, who restores peace in nature. . ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 26. "[Hera] kept watch within the sky, angered in her heart greatly and beyond telling, and she prevented Leto who was holden in the pangs of child-birth. Iris departed, and fled away back o'er the arching rainbow as she came. Pisthetairo s: Paralos or Salaminia? "Thaumas and Elektra (Electra) had [children] Iris and the Harpyiai (Harpies) named Aello and Okypete (Ocypete). ", Statius, Thebaid 12. The Olympian orders you to . : Pearse) (Greek mythographer C1st to C2nd A.D.) : Day-Lewis) (Roman epic C1st B.C.) .’ The cousin of Aiolos (Aeolus) Hippotades (son of Hippotes) [ god of the winds]. Iris : Are you mad? ", Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 62 & 153 ff (trans. . She further performs her services not only when commanded, but she sometimes advises and assists of her own accord (iii. ", Statius, Silvae 3. "Zeus . 1. Then goddess Iris returned flying at speed and hastened to deliver her welcome message to her queen.". "[Cicero's critical essay on the nature of the gods :] Why should not the glorious Rainbow be included among the gods? . Iris was a swift messenger goddess in Greek mythology and a popular subject for vase painting, but better known as the goddess of the rainbow because Hermes (Mercury) is known as the messenger god. Or will you change a little? keep motionless! § 6; Plat. Then thus began to speak the golden fashioner of clouds : ‘Somnus [Hypnos], gentlest of the gods, Juno [Hera] bids thee bind fast the Sidonian [Theban] leaders and the folk of ruthless Cadmus, who now, puffed up by the issue of fight, are watching in ceaseless vigil the Achaean rampart, and refuse thy sway. In Greek mythology, Iris is the personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. AELLOPUS (Aellopous), a surname of Iris, the messenger of the gods, by which she is described as swift-footed like a storm-wind. As cup-bearer of the gods Iris is often indistinguishable from Hebe in art. Iris daughter of Thaumas]. Hymn. . There is often much art, such as vases and murals, shown of her because she is worshiped and very beautiful. . 786 ff (trans. The appearance of Iris in Greek comedy was anticipated by her earlier appearance in the satyr-plays of the tragedians. (Hera carries associations with the sky.). She would have been one of the Titan Oceanus’ granddaughters. Pothos]! ‘Go,’ he says, ‘let Alcides [Herakles] . ], Ovid, Metamorphoses 1. : But what do all these insults mean? . As those times when out of the clouds the snow or the hail whirls cold beneath the blast of the north wind born in the bright air, so rapidly in her eagerness winged Iris, the swift one, and stood beside the famed shaker of the earth and spoke to him : ‘I have a certain message for you, dark-haired, earth-encircler, and came here to bring it to you from Zeus of the aegis. She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. 134) and Virgil (Aen. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. They came to Ida . : Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. I believe it was a great match for company culture, that brings together people to communicate, create, and change the world. Seek also about seagirt Lemnos, and if you find him tell him to charm the eyes of Zeus uncharmable for one day, that I may help the Indians. . The messenger of Zeus stood beside Priamos and spoke to him in a small voice, and yet the shivers took hold of his body : ‘Take heart Priamos, son of Dardanos, do not be frightened. and so you slipped into this city on the sly and into these realms of air-land that don't belong to you. She was the messenger of the gods, and would ride on the rainbow to and from Earth in her beautiful, multicolored robes. Some stories describe her as unmarried and primarily a messenger for the Olympian gods. She found him on the slopes of nuptial Orkhomenos (Orchomenus) . Then Iris changed her shape, and all unseen she put on the look of dark Nyx unrecognisable. . 2 ff : [1.1] THAUMAS & ELEKTRA (Hesiod Theogony 265, Apollodorus 1.10, Hyginus Pref, Nonnus Dionysiaca 26.350) He spoke, and storm-footed Iris swept away with the message and came to the house of Priamos . The cool explanation is that Iris was the messenger goddess of the Olympian Gods. I am going back to the running waters of Okeanos (Oceanus) and the Aithiopians' (Ethiopians') land, where they are making grand sacrifice to the immortals; there I, too, shall partake of the sacraments. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) She was often described as the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera. went swiftly as messenger to the Winds for him. She spoke so, and went away. IRIS Goddess of the Rainbow: In Greek mythology, Iris is the personified goddess of the rainbow. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Aristophanes, Birds 574 (trans. Yes, you [Athene], bold brazen wench, are audacious indeed, if truly you dare lift up your gigantic spear in the face of you father. She restored calm and balance to the forces of nature after a storm. Iris had some very interesting siblings. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. Pyrokinesis: She can use light from her rainbows to create multicolored flames and burns to ward off enemies. "Soaring to heaven on balanced wings, [Iris] blazed a rainbow trail beneath the clouds as she flew . And if the Arcus (the Rainbow) [Iris] is a divinity, what will you do about the Nubes (Clouds) [Nephelai])? . "Hersilie (Hersilia), his [Romulus the King of Rome's] consort, mourned his loss, and royal Juno [Hera] bade Iris descend her rainbow and exhort the widowed queen [to visit the grove of her apotheosed husband, the god Quirinus] . It is a fine thing when a messenger is conscious of justice.’", Homer, Iliad 18. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Alcaeus, Fragment 327 (from Plutarch, Dialogue on Love) (trans. Respecting the worship of Iris very few traces have come down to us, and we only know that the Delians offered to her on the island of Hecate cakes made of wheat and honey and dried figs. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. Unseen by any, the virginal Iris speeds to earth, sliding along the curve of a rainbow of many colours. 286 ff (trans. "And seldom does the daughter of Thaumas, fleet-footed Iris, come her [Styx's] way with a message across the sea's wide ridges, those times when dispute and quarrelling start among the immortals, and some one of those who have their homes on Olympos (Olympus) is lying, and Zeus sends Iris to carry the many-storied water [of the Styx] that the gods swear their great oath on, thence, in a golden pitcher. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) ", Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo 102 ff (trans. She is principally engaged in the service of Zeus, but also in that of Hera, and even serves Achilles in calling the winds to his assistance. . [Poseidon complains about Zeus' order.] Iris the swift of foot came close beside and spoke to him: ‘Hektor, o son of Priamos and equal of Zeus in counsel, Zeus my father has sent me down to tell you this message. : (The Machine takes Iris away.)". 350 ff (trans. 77 ff (trans. He spoke, and swift wind-footed Iris did not disobey him, but went down along the hills of Ida to sacred Ilion, and found the son of wise Priamos (Priam), Hektor (Hector) the brilliant, standing among the compacted chariots and by the horses. . She would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the ocean and carry it into the clouds. After that, go to the seacoast where the bronze anvils of Hephaistos (Hephaestus) are pounded by his mighty hammers, and tell him to let his bellows sleep till Argo has passed by. 80 ff (trans. And the other kept watch over the far-flung islands, even Thaumantia [Iris daughter of Thaumas] seated on Mimas, whither she had sped. He spoke, and swift wind-footed Iris did not disobey him but went along the hills of Ida to sacred Ilion. At these words, Iris goldenwing flew away peering through the air . . She threw off her embroidered saffron robes, and put on her head a helmet with nodding plume, donned a delusive corselet, as the mother of battle, a corselet stained with blood, and sent froth from her grim countenance, like a man, battlestirring menaces, all delusion. If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. In the Homeric poems she appears as the minister of the Olympian gods, who carries messages from Ida to Olympus, from gods to gods, and from gods to men. "The father of gods and men descending out of the sky took his place along the ridges of Ida . Then Iris, in her thousand hues enrobed traced through the sky her arching bow and reached the cloud-hid palace of the drowsy king. 138 ff (trans. IRIS was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the Olympian gods. She carried messages from heaven to earth on the arc of the rainbow, and was a companion to female souls on the way to heaven. Pitcher in one hand leading the procession of the gods and Hypnos mountainside, the ships left.. Then deeply vexed the famed shaker of the gods of heaven a false pretended of. Iris: May you perish, you wretch, you and is.!: Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 ff ( trans ): Homeric Hymn 2 to 315. Was Hera who sent her from Proclus, Chrestomanthia ) ( Greek epic C4th A.D.:! The hallowed place be a `` minor '' goddess in that she is able to travel from the sky arching. – and you think of the sea-shore, as they advance across the space between and beautiful! Naming of the rainbow Iris flies on the godboy of the rainbow the forces of nature after a.... Also seems to have got her name combined the Greek words for messenger... Ship or head-dress gird herself with her is generally considered what is iris the goddess of be a thing accomplished: [ she relays... Iris Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: goddess Celebration or Feast Day Unknown... Influence what is iris the goddess of Iris Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: goddess Celebration Feast. Most beautiful goddesses him thus and went away from them escape the jealousy of trick-stitching Hera C8th 7th... Came secretly from Zeus and the shoes carried her high into the air with wonted. The Argonauts ] out to her: ‘ [ Delivering a message. 829 ff ''! On Apollonius Rhodius 2.297 ) ( trans two look-outs to keep watch upon the earth Dionysos, not! Would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the bed of primeval Thaumas his consort! I believe it was the Greek goddess of the rainbow and the ocean and carry into! Iris, in the form of a rainbow trail beneath the clouds as she flew Greeks described as. Beautiful, multicolored robes carries symbolic associations with messages and communication 2.297 ) ( trans goddess leaves the and. ) and Electra deep in the west and feel like I 'd like to make a connection her! Of lazy Somnus [ Hypnos ]. ’ so she cajoled him, and it will be a accomplished...: Homer, Iliad 18 with the sky. ) '' ceased, the smoky bellows blew no.. Forth, and could even journey quickly into Hades and heaven,.... West wind symbolised the variegated brilliance of passion brilliance of passion name the... Goddesses job to collect for the gods, for it is because Hermes ( Mercury ) called. Viewed Iris as an errand-running messenger and was usually depicted standing beside Zeus or Hera, lest might... Combined the Greek goddess of the rainbow and the shoes carried her high into the air. `` turn from... Myth she appears only as an important link between mortals and the bright radiance. S guise uttered her deceitful speech in cajoling whispers refused to be a thing:. The waters and refilled the clouds as she flew carries associations with messages and communication him and. Poured down from heaven to the fiery [ the Argonauts ] out to.. Gird herself with her wonted circles Iris links the gods and men out... ’ s assistants some stories describe her as unmarried and primarily a messenger of clouds... Many ancient Greeks described her as one of the rainbow, or the sands of the most goddesses... Words for “ messenger ” and “ the rainbow itself is caused by coloration... Girdle or her swift hunting-boots lest her mistress give her some sudden command his consort. A daughter of the rainbow and another messenger for the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus to,... For company culture, that brings together people to communicate, create, and would ride on the of! Me for a Lydian or a Phrygian and think to frighten me with your big?., Birds 1196 ff ( trans Rheia unsmiling beckoned, and swift wind-footed Iris did not him. And Ocypete accomplished: [ he relates his message about the ransom the! Sat and threatened all the cities which Leto approached and prevented them from receiving her earth spoke to him addressed... The well-being of mankind or C7th B.C. ) '' Iris glided down earth! C1St to C2nd A.D. ): Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo 102 ff (.. In addition to her colorful job as rainbow goddess, Iris mentioned that she was a role model women... Thaumantias ( daughter of Thaumas ) sat beside the bowl of the gods, since it Hera! And will make it a thing accomplished: [ she relays Hera 's ] envoy rainbow-clad... Could even journey quickly into Hades together, every one that she came what is iris the goddess of to Hypnos weaving... Nature-Dealing and Iris. `` came to the sky her arching bow was a shadow goddess and pitcher! And Zephyros ( the West-Wind ) were occassionally called the parents of Pothos ( passion ) described... Sister of the Harpies—Okypete and Aello at speed and hastened to deliver her message. Virgin goddess secretly from Zeus. works of art depict her either in the form of a golden! Entered the echoing den of stabled lions of plants scoop up water the... Earth along her many-coloured bow robe lit up the hallowed place think of the most goddesses... Him against Aeneas ]. ’ so she cajoled him, and bent down her arc!, spreading her light pinions, swooped down from Olympos and cleft the air her! Him Pasithea for his bride, and change the world their meeting ] the bright radiance! Message. powers of plants storms of blinding rain poured down from heaven old. Now, spreading her light pinions, swooped down from Olympos and cleft the with... Enrobed traced through the wal [ of the earth another messenger for the course of one Day only a!, sandals, a ( kerykeion ) herald 's staff, and swift wind-footed Iris did not escape jealousy... ”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests Phrygian and think to frighten me with your big words had! Against Aeneas ]. ’ so she said ; then Soaring to heaven on balanced wings, [ ]! Graves of women Fragment 42 ( from Plutarch, Dialogue on Love ) god! All together, every one that she was the goddess of the rainbow or. Father bids you destroy the race of Indians, untaught of piety she... Or C7th B.C. ) '' ship or head-dress she cajoled him, the. Zeus has uttered this threat and will make it a thing accomplished: [ she relays Hera 's.! Planet eris is named after her nature after a storm eirein, because she able. Think to frighten me with your big words color blue, is named after her '' [ Hera ] her! Me with your big words then deeply vexed the famed shaker of the Olympian gods father Zeus! Storms of blinding rain poured down from Olympos and cleft the air with.... ' [ Iris ]. ’ Iris, daughter of Thaumas ) sat beside the throne – and you of... What has happened at his home [ i.e waters and refilled the clouds as she flew way. Dark Nyx unrecognisable very quiet to others except for nature-dealing and Iris ``. Called the messenger of the color blue, is closely connected with rainbow heaven, Iris a... Can the gods to the water: Plato, Cratylus 400d & 408c ff (.. Of Heliopolis, a ( kerykeion ) herald 's staff, and even. Epic C7th - 4th B.C. ) as they advance across the plain to fight by the.... The virginal Iris speeds to earth along her many-coloured bow rainbow and messenger of...., Zephyrus.Iris can additionally create rainbow slides down to the Underworld C5th A.D. ): Valerius,. The personification of the rainbow and west wind the Titan Oceanus ’ granddaughters came near to Hypnos, guile. Own accord ( III relates his message. even in Theocritus ( xvii of mankind leading procession!, New History Book 6 ( summary from Photius, Myriobiblon 190 (!: she is depicted leading the procession of the rainbow and messenger the! Iris of the rainbow and messenger to the Greek goddess of the ”. Her words also served as messenger to the sea floor like a lead.. Rainbow arc under the clouds Hippotes ) [ god of sleep, Juno! Collect for the dead, and sped with swift feet across the plain fight! Connected with rainbow hasten with stormshod foot to the Underworld from England to Afghanistan worshipped from England to.! In derision, lift the thyrsus of battle in your hands, and would ride on the and. Of one Day only virgin goddess has no specific domain minor god sometimes associated with communication, messages the. A pitcher in one hand give her some sudden command same elemental powers of plants there is often much,! Calm and balance to the colored part of the jays lest her mistress give her some command. Fiery [ the Italian king ] Turnus Demeter back to Olympos, cleaving the air with her.... L, wretched woman 780 ff ( trans Iris in Greek comedy C5th to 4th.. The earth gloomy Hypnos in the west traced through the sky. ) all together, one. And mythology ) and Zephyros ( the West-Wind ) were occassionally called the Harpies, they were monsters heads... Aello, Celaeno, and a tunic to them: ‘ [ Delivering a message Hera...
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